Friday, July 31, 2009

Feel Good...

I feel so damn good right now. Things are definitely playing in my favor now. New job coming really soon. The wifey and I are getting along perfectly, I'm about to revive one my most popular stories. All I need is a new car now and I'm set! But I just got back from the gym about two hours ago and my muscles are aching but damn it feels SO good. I think this workout routine has made some progress on my once inactive body. For example, I don't feel as tired as use to at work and when I up the weights on these machines now I can do more reps. God is great and God is good! August is gonna be a hot month!


Ask And You Shall Recieve...

Many fans from have asked me all the same question as of late:

"When are you going to update The Life and Times 2?"

Well to answer this popular question, it's really simple: August 1st.

That's tomorrow too. So I hope everyone will be satisfied with this story that is being revived after eleven months of WRITER'S BLOCK mixed with lack of motivation. See you guys tomorrow, showering me with reviews. Also, two one-shot stories will be coming within the month of August. Until read my other stories, some them some love whether you add it as a favorite, review it, tell your friends about it or just you read it and it puts a smile on your face. I LOVE MY FANS!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Theme For My Next Story

Just listen to the lyrics and let them soak in your mind. My next one-shot will be another BOONDOCKS story. This story will be a lot more humorous than what I just published yesterday, be prepared.


Saturday, July 18, 2009


Attention readers, reviews and authors of Your time has come to vote for the next update from my exclusive fanfiction library of incomplete stories! The choices goes as followed...

Now you can vote here on my blog but I'd definitely prefer for you to vote on


Monday, July 13, 2009

TMNT: Turtles In Time Re-Shelled

Can't wait til 7/22! This is the greatest side scrolling beat em' up ALIVE!


P.S.- This is only my opinion, not a fact.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In The Lab Right Now

I'm trying to get back into writing and what better way to do that by creating a one-shot story about my favorite show, The Boondocks. For those of you that don't know what a one-shot is, it's pretty much a one-chapter story. However, I just can't create one story and feel satisfied. So I'm actually working on two one-shots at one time. I've got to get back on this writing ish because I cannot waste my talent on nothing. Time is short these days and now with my new added gym time that will become another excuse on why I didn't update or publish a story. Also, sooner or later I'm gonna start working on my original story. Can't become famous with Aaron McGruder's plot and ideas, ya know?


Oh baby! My WORKOUT cherry has been POPPED!

Yep, today marks a historic day in 'The Further Adventures of TM-1' for today I actually did something besides work, sleep and play videogames. Today, I went to the multi-million dollar gym facility located in my neighborhood. I do have to say I'm satisfied with my performance. Because I did a lot better than I expected myself too. I'm not as weak as I thought I'd be, lol...but seriously I'm now gonna adapt weightlifting/cardio into my daily rountine. I'll be RIPPED like a tombstone soon enough!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Already?

Why is the world spinning so fast? I could swore it was just the middle of June like a couple of days ago. I really haven't been keeping track of time eversince school ended back in May. So what have I been up to? Well on Monday, I participate in the Gears of War Lan Party 3. If you live in my area then you just might know what that is, but if you don't then allow me to explain. A LAN (Local Area Network) party is when you hook up two systems of more to the same network so multiple players can get their game on! The games played at this tourney were: HALO 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl, UFC Undisputed 2009 and of course, GEARS OF WAR 2. Even though I didn't get to be the BRAWL champion (something I really want to be) I did bring home the HALO 3 and GOW2 tag team championship, so some gold is better no gold, am I right? Well in other news, I'm currently working on my 17th story and it's gonna be amazing. Really descriptive and so forth. Hopefully with ALL the free time I have today, I can make some magic and have it published because after today I work for the next ENTIRE week.

7/2: 4pm til 11pm
7/3: 4pm til 11pm
7/4: 8am til 4:30pm
7/5: 4am til 2:30pm (WTF?)
7/6: 8am til 3:30pm
7/7: 8am til 4pm
7/8: 3:30pm til 11pm

With that being said, I'm gonna try to enjoy the rest of my freedom today because starting on the 2nd all the way to the 8th, it's gonna be HELL!


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yesterday I was driving and was bored of listening to my traditional rap and hip hop CDs. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks, why not listen to Gorillaz? So I popped that in was instantly teleported to a parallel universe with the Gorillaz, crazy eh? I really wish that 2D, Noodle, Russel and Murdoc were real people. They seem extremely chill...and weird. Just like me! Here are some of my favorite videos by them.

Game of Death

Jump The Gut

Then there is of course, the music videos. They make some of the most innovate, original, unique, beautiful and any other interesting adjective to describe the breath of fresh air this UK-based band brings to the world. Too bad it won't let me embed them so...just go on Youtube and look up the following:

Clint Eastwood
Tomorrow Comes Today
Rock The House
Feel Good Inc
Dirty Harry

Hopefully they'll be making another album, it has already been a good four years since Demon Days and no new material. However, Noodle apparently died in the last music video they made so I dunno how it'll even work. But remember kids...

"Nothing is impossible, only improbable!" ~Luigi, Super Mario Bros Movie.


Monday, June 1, 2009

No One's Perfect

Don't you just hate the kind of people who just insist they are the perfect specimen? Like they can't make no mistakes, but yet they can spot you on every little incorrect thing about yourself and actions? We've got this new team member at work and he just insists he's perfect. Though, he doesn't say it...the saying goes "Actions speak louder than words." The first time I noticed this was one time I needed his help to clean up a spill in the middle of the aisle. At TARGET, we use this powdery white stuff (not cocaine) called absorbent to clean up liquid spills. So we're talking about millions of small particles are flying around the stuff and then I say "I'm not gonna be able to get all of this up." And then says "Why not?" The tone of his voice was SO serious. Feeling baffled, I just left him to finish cleaning it up. Then the next incident made me decide that this dude indeed thinks he's FLAWLESS. Here I am on my fifteen minute break, minding my own and ol' Mr. Perfect comes into the room and starts naming all the facilies right off the bat. Then the LOD (Leader on duty) at the time and brought us some chips and dip, so she was helping herself to some. Meanwhile he goes into the fridge and grabs some a yogurt and banana. As he was just about to sit down and start eating, he notices the French Onion Dip and immediately grabs it to read the nutrition facts. After reading it, he then noticed I was eating some Combos, and he tells me..."You know you're skinny now, but in about twenty years that's gonna catch up to you, trust me." So here I am thinking to myself, 'Did I ask this mother-excuse my language to give me some health lessons?' It's bad enough he points out every flaw while working, but don't bring that to me while I'm my break, real deal. Well that's my blog post for the week, probably. Nah, that GOW2 term book, part 2 is coming really soon.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

And On That Note...

That's my catchphrase just to let you know. From this day forward if I see ANYONE and I mean ANYONE using that, I'll be calling my lawyer. But seriously that's my signature quote. I've been absent from my blog game (as usual) so here's what's been going down in The Life and Times of M. Loftin. Call me a hypocrite, call me a dumbass or call me an idiot but I've once again got back with Broudicca Fields. Strong feelings keep me attached, I've got just too much love for her to lose her over stupid ish. With this happening, I've scrapped Operation: Lifesaver and now I'm currently devising a new plan known as Operation: Revival. I'll give you more details once I get it I've filled out an application to Publix today, but the highlight at this current time would have to be about my Mirco$oft Zune. Now if you get on FACEBOOK and have me as a friend then you already know about my situation. Well how about the only problem was my battery was completely dead, but thanks to an OVERNIGHT charge it's working again! Now this a HUGE fail on my behalf because I thought I could be slick and purchase a new Zune, swap it with my old dead ZUNE and return and get my moolah back. So I'm fixing to return this Zune and get my $140+ back. In other news, my fanfiction engines are starting to roar once more. I'm off this TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY so hopefully I'll be able to drop something BRAND NEW on No promises though...until next time.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


Is it me or do these days a customer/guest seems to think they know more than you? Yesterday was a prime example because I wasted two hours not only of my shift, but my whole life with this fossil woman. I will try to explain this the best I can. She wanted to buy a pre-paid phone from Virgin Mobile. Now on their brochures they advertise the 'TOTALLY UNLIMTED' for $49.99 a month. Now for some odd reason she thought that all she had to do was buy the phone and it would have the UNLIMTED minutes on it. Wrong! Everyone knows that the phone and plan have to be purchased seperately. So after me explaining, a co-worker, a manager, a customer service representative from VIRGIN MOBILE and my store manager, the lady just wouldn't listen. She insisted she was correct, so finally she decided to take her business elsewhere. Too bad she's gonna be proven wrong no matter where she goes. I can't wait til WAL-MART tells her the same exact thing. I can seriously see her going to VIRGIN MOBILE HQ and telling their president that all she needs to do is pay for the phone and that's it. It's still a shame two hours of productivity was wasted on ignorance.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Operation: Lifesaver

This plan has been in effect ever since 5/13/09 and so far it is working in my favor. Lemme break it down to you. Operation: Lifesaver is a three-step process I'm going through to not only improve my SUMMER but to also improve my life.

Phase I: Relationship

Now if you know me, you know I've been dating a certain girl for the last 20 months. Eversince the first couple of weeks in our relationship we got into little arguments over nothing. This built up for months and months to come and after struggling to keep my cool this whole time, I finally decided that it wasn't meant to be. I love her to death but we just don't see eye to eye. We are on two completely different levels. Last thing I needed to be going through this summer was girl problems. I'll always love you, Broudicca Fields. But we've seriously gotta treat life like U-HAUL and keep it movin'!

Phase II: Job

As you've seen in my previous blog, I've just had enough of TARGET. I swear that having a job at TARGET was almost like my last relationship at times. I mean once upon a time ago I use to LOVE working there, now all I do is argue with the management, get screwed constantly. So in order to have happiness restore to my jollyless body, I need a new job. Plain and simple. I'm still aiming for retail so as of right now I've got crosshairs locked on: Sams Club, Home Depot, Lowe's and Best Buy. THE JOB HUNTING PROCESS CONTINUES!

Phase III: N2U

This final phase can only be made possible once I leave TARGET. Trying to work on this phase earlier can result into some serious drama. But only a couple of close friends might know what this phase is all about. I'm gonna keep it hush mode for now and expose it depending on how it goes. As of right now it's 50/50 this'll work...

I'm really excited about Operation: Lifesaver and seriously hope I've played my cards right, like Gambit.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

TM-1 Vents Part III

After working nearly at TARGET for three years, it finally feels like it's time to go. This is something that has been building up for months and the last straw was placed onto the camel's back on 5/13. From 2008 til this very date today, I've learned so much new tricks, I've improved so much in general. I mean isn't that what is suppose to happen when you do something over and over again? You're suppose to get better as time progresses? That's exactly what I've done, but not in the eyes of my management. After all the favors, all the unnecessary tasks, all the leading I've done for team members, all the guests I've helped with OUTSTANDING guest service and yet I'm currently ranked as IE. IE stands for Inconsistent effective, which means that I most of the time do my job, but sometimes I don't meet the requirements of my said title. That's hurts, man. It hurts that they don't recognize the greatness that is I. Last year I was actually ranked a E which stands of EFFECTIVE. Now I've been demoted to this? I've done at least 1000X more work this year than last. Now they've set the rocket off, as we speak right now I'm filling out some online applications to other retail stores in the area. Stores I know that will pay WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than that hellhole I current work in. Wish me luck, WORLD!


Thursday, May 7, 2009


Playing til 1:30am last night might have not been such a good idea. Especially for one who expected to get as many of the 33 salesplanners due by tomorrow as possible. A salesplanner is an endcap (which is located either on the front or back of a aisle) My goal is 10, but I can't make no promises...wish me luck, world.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

smh @

Big O, you have failed me...thanks to your wacky URL I was told at my local KFC that my coupon was invalid. The last four digits of my coupon (1234) did not match the one they had at KFC (3174) So instead of enjoying KFC, I had to betray them and head down to Chick-Fil-A and spend nearly six bucks. Now the worst part is my mom just went to KFC a while ago and now they accept the damn coupon. WTF?! She said that everyone in line with her had that same exact code, so now I guess since somebody done messed up now they'll take it. So now I have to enjoy my meal tomorrow...


Friday, May 1, 2009

Gears of War 2 Terminology Manual Part I

Alright, here's a more serious blog post. Every night I go on XBL with my friends and we play a little game called GEARS OF WAR 2. However, it's very special to us because we have adapted our own terms for many of the events that occur in the game. I know there are tons of slang we've made up for this game but this post will feature the first fifteen that came to mind. I hope you are not eating or drinking anything because if so, it will fly out of your mouth and possibly damage your desktop or laptop computer. Enjoy!
  1. Oh baby! My fuckin' lips is WET!- When you spot a weak opponent and prepare to engage in battle.
  2. Harvey Dent'D - When one proceeds to approach his enemy with a shotgun from behind and blows him into two pieces.
  3. ID4'D (Independence Day'D) - When you are obliterated by the Hammer Of Dawn.
  4. Look up at the stars- When you are down, but not out...yet.
  5. Spread dem cheeks!- While your enemy is crawling away for revival, you follow and blast them in the rear section.
  6. Jazzy Jeff'D- When you are killed in a animation style similar to Uncle Phil throwing Jazz out of his house.
  7. Barney Rubble'D- When you melee your opponent to death. Similar to a cavemen striking his wife with a club.
  8. CW approved trap- When you booby-trap a certain area on the stage and successfully kill your foe. Founded by Charles Wilder, 2008.
  9. I got dat BOOM BOOM BOOM!- When you successfully acquire the Boomshot.
  10. I wanna see [insert number] buttcheeks in front of me, going to the BOOM!- When your whole team races towards the Boomshot. This is usually performed at River.
  11. Just ran through that like John Cena in The Marine!- When you successfully escape deadly situations.
  12. Circle Jerk- Once you've downed the final foe, you and your comrades trap him in a circle and proceed to rape him til further notice. (varies between how many of your teammates are left alive)
  13. LEROOOOOOOOOY JENKINS! - When you roadie run right into the battle without any second thought.
  14. Hamburgerburst- Alternate name for the Hammerburst.
  15. Hammer of John- Alternate name for the Hammer of Dawn.
Part II will be coming soon...


If I'm Not The Great Team Hero For This Month...

Then I'm gay, lol (inside joke) But dead ass, for the last month I've definitely worked outside of my job description and I feel that I'm the GREATEST TEAM MEMBER ALIVE! Plus all the ETLs excluding the actual store manager have been telling me I've been doing an outstanding job. So, we'll see if my face appears on that wall for May. If not, I'm comin' to work with the...just joking, seriously.


P.S.- This was just a post to let you guys know I'm still ALIVE!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back For The First Time...

*sighs* Today will definitely be a historic day for myself. For the first time ever since August of 2008, I will close tonight and tomorrow. Back in 8/08, I was promised and guaranteed by the HR that I would open every Saturday at 8AM and open every Sunday at 4AM. At first I thought it would suck to wake up that early on a Sunday, but I've grown very fond of it. Simply because from 4AM til 8AM (when the store opens) I don't have to deal with any guests. Back to the story at hand though, they've got me closing this weekend because they're stupid. LOL, seriously though the HR that sealed the deal with me has transferred to a new store. Now the person who makes the schedule now is pretty much just BSing me and trying to tell me the reason why I'm closing is because of staffing. He told me that it'll only be this weekend. So now I look at the newest schedule and what do I see? Once again I close next week and it's seriously like WTF?! Then he goes ahead and says the same excuse and I'm just SMH all over the place. Why does the management always have to lie and smile in your face? They should be the most honest people in the business. Real deal. Well enough my rant, I shall now try to enjoy my three hours of freedom I have left...*rolls eyes*


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

False Advertisement FTL!!!*

*FTL!!! = for the loss!

This is something I always found funny about TARGET. Every week we have sales on certain products. There are seven types: Sale through Saturday, Temporary Price Cut, As Advertised, Special Purchase, Free Gift Card with Purchase, New at TARGET! and Even Lower Than Our Advertised Price. Now yesterday I came across one of the rare Even Lower Than Our Advertised Price sign.

Okay now here's the bad part...

What you see in this price above is indeed the regular shelfing label for the item. According to that blue sign it said that the product this week was $11.49 and was lower than the advertised price. But the retail price is actually $11.49, so WTF is TARGET trying to do? FOOL YOU? WELL YOU CAN'T FOOL ME RED AND KHAKI DEVIL!!!

Your FAIL brought to you by TARGET!



Oh my stars...I want these Dunks NAO!!!


Monday, April 20, 2009

Turbo T. Double = Holographic Double

The execution of each rapper imitated in this video/song was excellent! The feel of the video also goes in sync with the song as it should, unlike some MAINSTREAM music videos nowadays. Keep in mind that he is UNSIGNED but has a huge buzz like a QUEEN BEE. My favorite verses were when he became Kid Cudi, Wale and Charles Hamilton. If you really enjoy the vid, please send him a message at either, or


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Your FAIL Brought To You by T-1298

Heaven forbid there is EVER a fire at my store, I just everyone to know that I love them and I'll see them at the CROSSROADS. I took these pics at like 5AM this morning, I was so damn tired today. I drank like two RED BULLS and still was down for the count. In other news today was smooth, kinda busy for a Sunday but it was all good. I'm ready for 4:20 in more ways than one., I'll be droppin' my newest bomb tomorrow, so be ready like Bebop and Rocksteady.

By the way even though this is blocking an EMERGENCY EXIT, the real sad part about this flatbed being out on the SALES FLOOR is the fact it won't be pushed. When I say push I mean they won't put all the freight out on it. I won't get into BIG details, but yeah...SEE YA TOMORROW!



The Final Chapter!

THIS IS IT! ONE MORE FREAKIN' DAY OF WORK AND I'M OFF FOR A WHOLE WHOPPING 24 HOURS! Cuz I'll be taking my happy behind right back in there on 4/21: The Day After. More blogs as the day progresses!!!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

4/20 Task List...

Since I seem to forget things easily sometimes, I've taken the liberty to make a task list for this Monday. I will finally be off from work and not going to class. Yet I will still be busy doing stuff such as:

  • Wash clothes
  • Clean my car
  • Wash the dog
  • Clean the bathroom
  • Vacuum the house
  • Finish Chapter 9 of And She Gets Discouraged
  • Tradition (inside joke)

Not a huge list, but it's gonna be time-consuming.


Wave 4 Complete...Now The Horde Grows Stronger!!!

I'm feelin' good right now! After four closes in a row, I definitely have to say this was the best one I've had all week. Saw some friends, had a good closing team and of course my lovely girlfriend to keep me company. During the night I definitely entered a zone of PURE IMAGINATION! It's like my brain drank some mental RED BULL cuz it grew wings and left the atmosphere. Definitely did some brainstorming for my original story. I actually came up with a title today. Thinking of some character designs and bios. I'm gonna drop those next week. Now let's speak of why I have a picture of a Theron Guard. The Horde aka TARGET guests will be very strong tomorrow. They will be ruthless and won't stop until they get what they want. THE HORDE GROWS STRONGER!


Friday, April 17, 2009

Round 4...FIGHT!

Man here we go again, in less than 3 hours I will be returning to TARGET for my 4th consecutive closing shift. I'm tired of closing that bit down! Thank goodness tomorrow I only work 10-6 and on Sunday I work that EARLY BIRD (4-1:30) but man oh man, I can see the next three days are gonna be like HELL. The Heritage golf tournament is gonna be happening on Hilton Head Island which means this weekend we gonna do a lot of business courtesy of old folks, tourists and just about anybody that can breathe. I'm prepared though, I've got my gladiator helmet in my trunk. I've got my boots scrapped, my spear sharpened and my shield waxed. I'M READY FOR ANYTHING! Something tells me I'm gonna have a good war story to share with you guys within the next three days. However as of right now, I'm gonna chill for my last 2 hours...


P.S.- I'm still on my BUNNY SUIT GURL ish...>_>

I've Got A Confession...

I, Michael R. Loftin Jr, have a huge bunny fetish. Like seeing girls in bunny suits make me happy in more ways than one. Nah I'm just joking...but it's like almost 3AM right now and I'm so drowsy. Trying to finish up Chapter 9 of ASGD before my deadline of 4/17. In all honestly I've been working my ass off at TARGET this week, so we're now looking at a possible 4/20 release. This chapter is gonna be huge, I might have to make it two parts. Well my eyes are 75% closed, so this blog is coming to an END.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One Way

People everyday live with tons of regrets. Me personally can't stand to regret things of my past. Everything happens for a reason, right? So why live with regrets? No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. Let's not make what became accidental something permanent. For some reason a mass of our society blames things they've done in the past as results for their present and potential future. However since you can't go back in time, why talk about something improrable? Instead learn from your mistakes, and control your future with the actions of your present. I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this before but recently I've been hearing a lot of people complaining and that's what fueled me to craft this wonderful blog.


The Return of TM-1

Things have been awfully quiet on this blog as of late. Then again that's probably because my life has been about as dull as a butter knife. However, it's time to sharpen the blade and become a dinner knife! I'm back with the freshness like produce. (lame) But in all seriousness, I have made my return. Right now I can't say there's a lot on my mind right now because it's late at night and I'm playing XBOX Live with my homies. But I can definitely say one thing...



Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Wrestlers of Street Fighter. (just a quick Top 3)

Rainbow Mika to me is like the sexy version of Zangief. (yes hetero!) With the quickness of El Fuerte and actual raw power that closely mirrors the Red Cyclone. It's a shame that she's only been on Street Fighter Alpha 3 because she would have made a great addition to Street Fighter IV.

The Red Cyclone better known as Zangief is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Close range is his specialty. If you're in grabbing distance, you're a cooked goose. If you do five of his special moves (not the Super combo) you'll be toast. Man, all this talk about food is making me hungry.

Last but not least we've got newcomer El Fuerte in the building. One word can describe this luchador. FAST. Speed is his game, however he's definitely lacking power. With every PRO comes a CON. His Ultra Combo is silly, just like his personality. Once I figure out his move list, hopefully he'll surpass Zangief.


Internet Window Shopping

Dough Boy SO Fresh! I like this one a lot...but the largest size they have for it is indeed, a large. I know I'm really nothing but skin and bones, but I need at least a XL.

Now if you know me, you know I'm down with Mario. I mean Sonic is good too, well good in 2D, but Mario dominates all. So in honor of one of the most popular villains, I would proudly wear this BULLET BILL belt buckle. However, the only problem is that it costs $24. Maybe, NEXT TIME GADGET NEXT TIME...

Now this shirt will go great with my Nike SB dunks. Red and blue SPIDERMAN edition might I add...nuff said. COBRA COMMANDER!!!


More serious blogging, coming soon!




In all seriousness, if you DO NOT enjoy the video below, then you either:

a.) Lived in Bedrock as a child
b.) Are a robot
c.) Don't enjoy catch 90s tunes
d.) Anti-social
e.) all of the above


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I've messed up big time, like really really BIG. I got the most shocking news of my life last night around 3am. My girlfriend, Broudicca Fields told me something that has now turned my world upside down.

"Baby, I think I'm pregnant."

My eyeballs nearly popped outta my head so I went to WAL-MART (its OPEN 24/7) bought a pregnancy test and took it to my girl. She took multiple test and they all came up POSITIVE. TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT is gonna be a daddy! This is definitely not a good time for this because I've got so much going on in my life and the last thing I need right now is to take care another life. I want kids, but not at 21! (I'll most likely be that age when the child is born) But as my duties of being a man, I will take care of this child no matter what!



Friday, March 27, 2009

Got A Fanbase As Big As Japan

Not really, but dead ass I've got a good amount of fans. Well at least according some statistics I'm bringing up from As of today I have total of 702 hits for the month of March with 318 of those being from visitors. That's simply amazing. These hits don't just come from the United States either, they come Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Bahamas, Trinidad, Germany, Brazil, South Africa and the list goes on but that's just cool to know that someone in another hemisphere, another timezone, a person from another culture is checkin me out. Another great thing about all of this too is that a story that I finished about 2 years ago is still getting plenty hits. I feel now is the perfect time for me to expand this fanbase, expand my horizions, give my brain a challenge. I'm ready to create an account on and create my own ORIGINAL story. Stay tuned!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ronald McDonald (It's MAGIC!)

Today I decided to add yet another alias, nickname and personality to Michael Loftin. Most of you know me as TRIGGER MIKE, TM-1, ModernDayMarvel, Magic Mike, Mighty M and the damn list goes on but today after listening to a certain CH track all day. *points at song on blog* I've decided to become Ronald McDonald. Why? Why that silly mascot from Mickey D's? Well if you know Mr. McDonald like the rest of the world then you know he has magic abilities. At work most of the executives there call me Magic Mike and that's cool. But Ronald McDonald just has like a nice ring to it. I'm weird, yes I know this but I feel that I can make magic in more ways than one. Just ask my But seriously today I was given the ultimate task of holding down more than half of the sales floor. I handled it pretty damn well for one man. Out of the 10+ call boxes that went off I only missed one and that was because I was literally pinned down in ELECTRONICS. I also work magic with my great guest service skills. I can talk a guest into buying extra stuff or if we are out of stock on a item, I can offer the next big thing. It is always NOT that easy especially with OLD RICH PEOPLE. A couple came into town and wanted some patio stuff that we were out of. To make a long story short, the lady ended up calling me and a co-worker disgraceful. WTF? I MEAN DISGRACEFUL? I've been called plenty of things, but disgraceful is definitely a milestone. It was funny though, I was LMAO in my head. My inner Ronald McDonald couldn't save me that time. Oh well...I'm off to begin typing Chapter 8 of And She Gets Discouraged. Next blog will be coming sooner than you think.



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just Another Top 5 list...

This one will be about my Top 5 videogames of all-time in order: (kudos to Lazer77 for the idea)

5) Marvel vs. Capcom 2

The greatest fighting game of all time. Nuff said.

4)Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

Even though I played the first one a couple of times prior to the release of part 2. I instantly fell in love with the controls, the graphics, the gameplay and especially the soundtrack. This was definitely the first of many great TH games to follow.

3) Conker's Bad Fur Day

What do you get when you mix a red squirrel who just turned twenty-one and a pint of beer? Conker's Bad Fur Day! This game follows a red squirrel named Conker who is simply trying to find his way home after getting hammered the previous night before. This game was pure badass for a couple of reasons. Movie references were just on point. As soon as they would parody a scene you'd know what movie it was from. Another great thing was the gameplay, because not only did it serve as a platformer, certain levels turned it into a third-person shooter. Last thing was the graphics, I mean this game came out in 2001 and it actually rivaled some earlier PS2 games with its smooth colorful visuals. Definitely the final gem of the N64 era.

2) Super Mario Bros 3

This was a hard choice, it was either this or Super Mario World, but I've chosen this one because it had the coolest versus mode ever. Also, great levels, way past cool power-ups and it was actually more challenging than SMW. Trust me I love Super Mario World to death, but this one is a tad bit more classic. Just by a little bit.

1)Twisted Metal 2

Whoa, suprise suprise, eh? Yes this is seriously my favorite game of all-time. I've spent nights until the sun rised playing this bad boy. Back in 1996, this was my joint. Too bad I don't have a PSone or PS2 and a copy of the game to play. But this was the first game I truly mastered. This was one of the first games that also gave me NIGHTMARES. The storyline is twisted. No pun intended.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Dope video....ENJOY!


Welcome To The 200 Club

Now originally I was going to create a short story based off one of my favorite scenarios between two Nintendo princesses, but at this point and time I don't have enough free time to perfect this brainstorm. That will be postponed until further notice, however thanks to a certain friend/blogger of mine I now have the perfect idea for my 250th blog post. I also learned recently that it's good to have a lot of friends, but you've got to keep the ones that are beneficial to you really close. These wise words were given to me by one of my best friends, Brandon Frazier. So after yesterday I realize now that I truly only have a handful of good friends, a decent amount of friends then everyone else is either acquaintances or enemies. Well scratch that, I might be an enemy to them but I don't hate anyone, I have no grudges against anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Well that's Post #200 rollin' on 24s. I'm OUTTY 5000!


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Finger Is Resting On the OFF Switch

"Sometimes you've gotta cut niggas OFF like a light switch." ~MF DOOM

The quote is pretty damn self-explanatory.

Disclaimer: This was not towards a certain person, who left a comment. This was geared towards others.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Got Sleep? (Target Acquired)

I couldn't get a decent amount of sleep at all last night! Which isn't going to be easy since I'm about to do a nine and a half-hour work shift @ my favorite retailer in the whole wide world! But it's all good, being that I'm only 20 and I had some good time during Saturday to recharge. I should be able to make it til 1:30pm. Think positive, TM-1. In other news, finally after nearly three months of waiting the DEERHAUNTER has been picked up and now taken to GA to fixed by one of my dad's friend's for FREE. Hopefully she'll be ready by Wednesday. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!


Friday, March 13, 2009

There's Nothing Wrong With Me, And There's Nothing Wrong With J-Pop

Yep, had to switch it up a little bit. Lately my songs have been hip-hop, because that's my favorite genre of music. However, that is not the only music I fancy. I actually like all genres except for country. I just can't stand it for some odd I'd rather listen to classical before I listen to country. But the song that you're listening to, or maybe you paused it is called "Daijo-Bu!" and it's an ending song for the anime Kodocha. Even though I have no idea what the hell she's singing besides when I'm watching the outro since they have the lyrics translated at the bottom, I just love the feel to the song. Makes me happy. Happy is good. Good is happy. Don't wanna be upset, because that's NO good. Speaking of upset, for the first time in a HOT minute, I actually had two successful days at work. No problems, actually enjoyed myself. If you've been keeping up, you already know what happened on Weds, but the goodness continued yesterday. The managers didn't bother me, so I felt like I wasn't being babysitted, which actually makes me work better. I saw a bunch of faces I haven't seen in a long time. (Shout outs to K.C. and Angela!) As usual gave great service and pretty much did my thing. Whatever you think my thing is...but let's cut this short. Tonight is my last night of the AMAZING 4 CLOSING SHIFTS IN A ROW BONANZA and then I'm rewarded with a day off tomorrow. I think its gonna go smooth. Shouldn't be too much business because people are more concerned with going to River Street in Savannah.



I just turned my sabotaged phone on and it works! WTF?! Right now it is in the process of charging, but its still too late. My new phone will be here either this afternoon, maybe tomorrow but definitely by Monday. Oh and this is actually Post #195 and as promised, I told you guys I would give you a slight hint on what Post #200 is gonna be about. Let's just say it will be a story about two certain characters that duke it out to see whose kingdom is better...and I actually take that back about my phone. It's still ruined, like it turned on for a min, then went haywire and shut its self back down. R.I.P. Samsung Rant, I'll make sure to take better care of Samsung Rant Jr.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Still The Worst...

Man, I'm just too careless with cell phones. Once again I have destroyed yet another cell phone, this time by dropping it into the washing machine. Luckily this time I have insurance on my phone, so SPRINT covered my ass. So it's like I'm sad, mad but yet happy that my new replacement will be coming in the mail either tomorrow or Monday. So this means no texting, phone calls or anything until further notice. If you really need to HOLLA call me @717-4683. If you really know me, you know the area code...or you live in my area.


Getcho Pretty Ass Over Here Gurl!

For the first time in nearly seventeen months, I actually admired the beauty of another girl. That doesn't mean I'm gay either, it just means when you have a gf sometimes the beauty of another woman seems to be blocked out by the beauty of your loved one. Yesterday, was just a different story. I was simply zoning department F (Toys) and at first I saw her from a distance, like everything else faded from the picture except her. However, I was thinking she was going to another section of the store. With that in my head, I resumed rebuilding the destroyed TOYS department. Then I heard her ask me "Do you work in this area?" I looked up and here was a light skinned girl around my age. The skin tone was just delicious. I mean I love dark chocolate but I'm down with mocha as well. Anyways, to make this story short and not too long she needed help finding some golf clubs and a bike. Obviously she called earlier that day because she told me someone (me) had put some golf clubs on hold for her. I told her it was me and they were up front. She asked me how much they were and I told her $199.99 but there are also some children's ones for $89.99. She asked me if it really made a difference and I was honest with her and I told I didn't really think so, but the $199 comes with more clubs. She then wanted to know which balls (not mine) were the cheapest. I showed her some for $6.99 and she was like "Damn, I'm already payin' $200 for some clubs, they need to come with some balls." I laughed with her and agreed. I mean that really is the least they could offer. But the reason these clubs were that much is because they were PINK for breast cancer. Then she told me that a while back when she came to the store, there was a blue bike that was $55. At first I was thinking WTF? But since she seemed nice and deserved my service, I did some investaging to find this bike. Now me and her finally spotted the bike all the way on the top rack. Too high for me to scan or retrieve, so now I had to get the WAVE (a machine that is used to get items from tall places) So after getting the machine I go up and scan the bike and boy was this chica lucky. The bike was only $19.98! That's a clearance price...but honestly the bike was technically salvage. Salvage means it has been purged out of the system and is suppose to be shipped off to either be damaged or donated to a charity. But since she was so nice and patience with me, I told her the price and she happily accepted it. That put a smile on her face. After that I escorted up front with the bike to make sure they honored her the $19.98 price but on the register it was going to ring up $0.00 and she ain't gettin' it for free now. LOL, but as I walked up front with her, every glance I took at her she had like the biggest smile on her face. I'm assuming the smile was either because: A) I gave great guest service. B) She thought I was cute C) I gave her a good ass deal D)All of the above. I'm seriously leaning towards D) but that's just my ego speaking. The main reason I didn't shoot my Scorpion Spear at her is because I'm still in a relationship. I was proving my loyalty. But I just want everyone to know this: Just because you've chose your meal, doesn't mean you can't continue to look at the menu. GOOD NIGHT.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Will Catch TDs For Food

On Thursday, Terrell Owens was released from the Dallas Cowboys. Apparently Jerry Jones didn't think T.O. was doing enough to please him. Honestly, if Romo chokes the big one again next season, his ass needs to be voted off the island next. The Buffalo Bills saw an ad in the paper feauturing T.O. and have now bailed him out of the free agency pool. Goodbye hot ball sweat dripping weather, hello freezing my balls off style weather. The 2009 season is definitely going to be a doozy!


The Bond Between Man And His Zune...