Man here we go again, in less than 3 hours I will be returning to TARGET for my 4th consecutive closing shift. I'm tired of closing that bit down! Thank goodness tomorrow I only work 10-6 and on Sunday I work that EARLY BIRD (4-1:30) but man oh man, I can see the next three days are gonna be like HELL. The Heritage golf tournament is gonna be happening on Hilton Head Island which means this weekend we gonna do a lot of business courtesy of old folks, tourists and just about anybody that can breathe. I'm prepared though, I've got my gladiator helmet in my trunk. I've got my boots scrapped, my spear sharpened and my shield waxed. I'M READY FOR ANYTHING! Something tells me I'm gonna have a good war story to share with you guys within the next three days. However as of right now, I'm gonna chill for my last 2 hours...
P.S.- I'm still on my BUNNY SUIT GURL ish...>_>
1 comment:
Seriously though, that sucks hard, i hated working during the Heritage. But they didnt do the schedule right, and almost nobody works at my job. So they'll be screwed.
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