Friday, May 1, 2009

Gears of War 2 Terminology Manual Part I

Alright, here's a more serious blog post. Every night I go on XBL with my friends and we play a little game called GEARS OF WAR 2. However, it's very special to us because we have adapted our own terms for many of the events that occur in the game. I know there are tons of slang we've made up for this game but this post will feature the first fifteen that came to mind. I hope you are not eating or drinking anything because if so, it will fly out of your mouth and possibly damage your desktop or laptop computer. Enjoy!
  1. Oh baby! My fuckin' lips is WET!- When you spot a weak opponent and prepare to engage in battle.
  2. Harvey Dent'D - When one proceeds to approach his enemy with a shotgun from behind and blows him into two pieces.
  3. ID4'D (Independence Day'D) - When you are obliterated by the Hammer Of Dawn.
  4. Look up at the stars- When you are down, but not out...yet.
  5. Spread dem cheeks!- While your enemy is crawling away for revival, you follow and blast them in the rear section.
  6. Jazzy Jeff'D- When you are killed in a animation style similar to Uncle Phil throwing Jazz out of his house.
  7. Barney Rubble'D- When you melee your opponent to death. Similar to a cavemen striking his wife with a club.
  8. CW approved trap- When you booby-trap a certain area on the stage and successfully kill your foe. Founded by Charles Wilder, 2008.
  9. I got dat BOOM BOOM BOOM!- When you successfully acquire the Boomshot.
  10. I wanna see [insert number] buttcheeks in front of me, going to the BOOM!- When your whole team races towards the Boomshot. This is usually performed at River.
  11. Just ran through that like John Cena in The Marine!- When you successfully escape deadly situations.
  12. Circle Jerk- Once you've downed the final foe, you and your comrades trap him in a circle and proceed to rape him til further notice. (varies between how many of your teammates are left alive)
  13. LEROOOOOOOOOY JENKINS! - When you roadie run right into the battle without any second thought.
  14. Hamburgerburst- Alternate name for the Hammerburst.
  15. Hammer of John- Alternate name for the Hammer of Dawn.
Part II will be coming soon...



Zarski said...

lmao @ some of these, these are great, we need more !

javis said...

Ha laaaaarious!!!!!!

Shyne said...

LMAO! Thats one hell of a list there. This is pure TBS! = Very funny, haha!

Neil said...

Ugh! I am missing out. I wish I had that 360 right about now. I'll get my blessings soon xD.
But man, I bet yall be having people like WTF?!?!?
That list is crazy

Neil said...

Ugh! I am missing out. I wish I had that 360 right about now. I'll get my blessings soon xD.
But man, I bet yall be having people like WTF?!?!?
That list is crazy

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