Heaven forbid there is EVER a fire at my store, I just everyone to know that I love them and I'll see them at the CROSSROADS. I took these pics at like 5AM this morning, I was so damn tired today. I drank like two RED BULLS and still was down for the count. In other news today was smooth, kinda busy for a Sunday but it was all good. I'm ready for 4:20 in more ways than one. Fanfiction.net, I'll be droppin' my newest bomb tomorrow, so be ready like Bebop and Rocksteady.

By the way even though this is blocking an EMERGENCY EXIT, the real sad part about this flatbed being out on the SALES FLOOR is the fact it won't be pushed. When I say push I mean they won't put all the freight out on it. I won't get into BIG details, but yeah...SEE YA TOMORROW!
Wow...only at 1298 LMAO
lmao, im going to go pull the fire alarm at your store to see what will happen next
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