Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wild Times @ WILD WINGS CAFE...

Big ups to everyone who attended/made this video possible. Especially the cameraman, Gerald R. Go check out his

Moral: If you make a mistake, live up to it. Don't try to hide your faults by accusing others.

Oh and I'm in this video a lil bit. I would have had more to say...but everyone pretty much said what I had to say. So that's why on my part I'm just looking around like...'Is this thing on?'

Another video blog or vlog as G$ likes to call it will be recorded at mi casa tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Voted today, great experience. Was a tad bit nervous, but I'm glad I was a part of history, or I should I am since Election Day isn't techinally until 11/4. I'd advise for everyone who lives in a state that offers the EARLY VOTE option to go because on the 4th, it's gonna be BANANAS.


Sonic Says

The Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog back in the 90's was definitely one of the best cartoons of the early 90s. Not only because it was funny, but because at the end of every episode there was a moral. Jaleel White (better known as Steve Urkel) does Sonic's voice on point and some of these advice/tips/moral are really important still to this day.

It's October 29th

This day is going to very special to me. For the first time ever I'll be voting, and it's good to be a part of a historical election. But the day will get even better as the moon trades places with the sun. Going to WILD WINGS CAFE tonight, get me some wings, relax with good friends and Lady TM-1 of course. Oh and there will definitely be pics and hopefully a video or two. Who knows...I think it's time for another video. The TM-1 Demo was just a taste of what's in store with that precious camera of mine.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

That's why you should always roll your windows up. I don't care if it's bright and sunny, still roll them up!

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

Uh...I pray I'm never at that restaurant and it catches on fire. Shoot, looks like that table might be bolted to the ground.

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

Now that's just wrong. The only people that would enjoy this is those freaky-freaks!

And now I must head off to work, I just had to look at those fails and SMH (shake my head) at the stupidity that exists on this planet.


When Life Gives You Lemons Just SHUT UP AND SMILE!

The best part is 1:54, but the whole thing is hilarious. We need more female emcees like her.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh Sana's Sweet Mood Goes Up and Down...


This is my third and final time going to the dentist for a filling. Which sucks because I want to eat some Wendy's for lunch, but my mouth will be so numb and I'm not about to spend nearly seven bucks just for my mouth to fail at enjoying some GOOD food. After this final conformation, I actually have to go back AGAIN to get a crown for my chipped front tooth. Nine years later, I'm finally getting this bad boy fixed for good, hopefully. For the last seven years they've put a bond over it to make it look normal, but that has broken three times. But then again they always said the bond would only be temporary. Oh and if you're keeping track (which I know you're not) this is blog post #74, I've got 25 more to go til I hit the big 1-0-0.

"Let's do this..." ~Captain Price, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Saturday, October 25, 2008




After working four gruesome closing shifts in a row, I finally get to chill out and enjoy a weekend day off. What will I do? Only time will tell...(i.e.-nothing)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Carmela Tiffany Rodriquez

OK and here's the bio for another great creation of mind, Carmela T. Rodriquez. You can find her in a couple of my stories from Credits to Sharif Anderson for drawing her. Damn that Desert Eagle looks so bootiful!

Name: Carmela T. Rodriquez
Age: 17 (as in TLATOWHS 2)
Weight: 124lbs
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Flushing, Queens, New York
Friend: varies depending on mood
Rival: Sunshine Jones
Favorite Food: Steak Burrito
Favorite Drink: Mr. Pibb
Favorite Band/Artist: Pitbull or any rappers from NY
Hobbies: daydreaming about Riley, picking fights with people, taking care of her baby girl
Personality: Cold and heartless on the outside, but on the inside she's very caring and sweet.
Favorite Quote: "Mela ain't nothin' to F' wit!"

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"The carnival comes and goes, if you wait for a while it'll always come back to you." ~Ryoko Hakubi, Tenchi Muyo!

With that being said, I'm about to head off to work. This almost ends my blogging spree, so hopefully if you've read any of my posts today, or any in general you should leave a comment. I don't need a membership and if you don't wanna reveal your identity you can post as anonymous. PEACE OUT!


P.S.- Cherry Blossom trees are so beautiful. I wish we had some around here...


Where In Time Is Carmen Sandiego?

You're not a real 90s baby, if you didn't watch this show. Damn I wish PBS would air this sometime.

ViN Rawli...This One's For You

Peep the music. It's really good stuff, it's got mad variety. So you can consider this artist "E" for everyone.

Work On A Wednesday?

I am actually scheduled to work today at 4PM. The cosmos must have aligned or something because anyone that knows me knows that's WEDS is my off day. Oh well the good thing that comes out of this that I am actually off this Saturday. This will be the first time I've been off on a Saturday ever since April...sad ain't it? Well I'm actually kinda pumped to go into work, since a cool manager is closing tonight. So it'll go smooth like butter. JINX KNOCK ON WOOD!

PSA: Don't Buy Albums!

The American dollar is weak right now. It's as weak as Diddy's roster at Bad Boy Records..

PSA: Don't Buy Albums from jeff on Vimeo.

Props to for the funny PSA.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unsigned Rappers vs. Turbo T. Double

Unsigned Rappers



The internet is a beautiful place. Networking bringing tons of talent from all over the world together into a great callabo/diss track. Would do you think won? The unsigned rappers or Turbo (who deserves to be signed)?

Monday, October 20, 2008


One of the greatest rappers + The most electrifing man in sports entertainment = WIN


fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures


Sunday, October 19, 2008

Author's Note

Chapter 7 of And She Gets Discouraged is currently about 30% done.

Chapter 16 of The Life and Times of Wuncler High School 2: A Woodcrest Summer is 5% complete.

Chapter 2 of The Legend of The Jurai Infinity Stone is currently in the brainstorm process.

My original short story about a civil war in 2025 is currently in the brainstorm process as well.

Yep my writing game is pretty low right now. Too much going on and lack of motivation is causing these wonderful thoughts to be trapped inside my brain.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Origin of TM-1

TM-1 is more than just a nickname for me, it's who I am. Lemme break it down for ya so you can see EXACTLY what I'm saying. First off TM-1 stands for TRIGGER MIKE ONE, which means I am the one and only TRIGGER MIKE. Well not really, I see a couple of peeps have taken that name into ownership as well but no one rocks it like me. But the one also means I'm number one! No one is on my level, well in my mind at least. That's the same way you should about yourself as well. Not I'm not saying to be big-headed and think you're the shit...I'm just saying you should always think that you're the best person you can be. Another theory behind my nickname is TM-1 is kinda like an acronym for an assault rifle. You can consider me a silenced assault rifle because I might be soft-spoken or silent at times but when I shoot, it's still deadly. When I say shoot I mean talk, not shoot with bullets...dum dums. But seriously that's an alternate origin of the nickname TM-1.


Today was definitely one to remember. Highlight of my weird week. I was reunited with some good friends. Terry Rawlins, Gerald Rawlins and Sharif Anderson. Had a blast, fighting for bragging rights in Super Smash Bros Brawl. During this process I was once again reminded that these dudes are defintely cool cats. Brothers from different mothers, comrades, dunnies, peeps, my niggas, homies....whatever we call each other day. Chillin with them before work today was like paradise. Escaping the troubles of the world via Nintendo Wii and Dominos Pizza!


But now it's time for from 8am til 4pm somewhere, probably ELECTRONICS.


Friday, October 17, 2008


"Chess is a battle fought peacefully. It cultivates the mind, the spirit, and the soul, and we must always cultivate the soul." ~Katsuhito Masaki, Tenchi Muyo!

Another on point quote from my favorite anime (Japanese cartoon show) Tenchi Muyo! Because if you played Chess before you know it's all about planning strategically. Taking your time, pacing yourself. Being silent so your mind can focus on making its next advance. I wish everyone would play chess before they have to do something important like go to work, school or place of employment. Why? It will help calm your nerves and hopefully prevent any negative events from happening. So from now on I shall play Chess online at least one hour before my shift. Nah, I'm kidding...but the bottomline is we must always cultivate our souls to enjoy life the way it was suppose to be.



That always lifts my spirits when they are down.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Another Day At The Races...

Time to head of to work and do my work thing, which really consists of doing everything but my main objective. I'm kinda ready to get work over with though because I'm going to be able to come home and play XBOX 360. I just finished playing and wow am I ever amped to go to work now for some odd reason. Hopefully this seven hour shift will be painless. Yeah right, nothing ever goes right at T-1298.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

XBOX 360 Returns...

This is splendid news! UPS called today and said it's coming home tomorrow. I missed that bad boy, but like I've stated in previous blogs with the absence of my 360, I've realized how AWESOME my Nintendo Wii is. I've lived on MarioKart Wii, Mario Strikers Charged and Super Smash Bros Brawl for the last two weeks. However, tomorrow I'll get to kill Spetsnaz (Russian Spec Ops), OpFor (Middle East Terrorists, Marines and S.A.S. (British Army, oh wait UK doesn't have an army!)

The End Of The Line

My current relationship with Broudicca is at an all-time low. It just feels so bad that in the last month or two we've fallen apart so much. Like the love is still there, just it isn't being dispersed like it use to.

"Even though you're so close to me, you're still so distant and I can't bring you back." ~Mike Shinoda

That's how it is between us now. I think we've reach the end of the ONE WAY road known as LOVE. So should I slam on the brakes or take my chances and continue to advance up the road that is ending? But it's like the always say: "If you love someone let them go, if they come back they're yours." It's about time I seriously took that into consideration. I love her with all my heart but we can't keep hurting each other like this. It's just not worth it, life is too long to feel this way at the early age of 20. (since my birthday is less than 3 months away)

Well it's time to conclude this rant, since I have a dental appointment @ 2:00PM.

If It Comes Back To You It Was Yours All Along...

This is purely dedicated to Broudicca Fields.

Love was the egg
See and it was born in a cloud with silver lining
But it broke, I mean it hatched on the ground
So time flew right by me and while I...

I know you thought your life was goin be easy
When you didn't call you found that you where wrong
I know you thought your life was goin be easy
You thought you had it all but you found that you were wrong

See maybe there was something wrong
And you weren't telling me no
See maybe the laugh's on me
And life was telling me a joke

If something's yours and you let it go
If it comes back to you it was yours all along
When I let you go along with those lies from you
I wonder what else lies in you
Or did the lies just just eat gone


Hold it now!
Is ya'll there?
How you feel right now?
Yeah me too
Hey yeah!
Hold it now!
Ya'll all right?

See do you remember
what its like to wake up in her love nest
get it love nest and now she's gone
gone gone gone

At which point you realize
Life is but a joke and the laughs on you
That's funny right


In Regards To The Song Of The Day

That's definetly one of the greatest BGMs of all-time. That's my childhood you hear in the background. I've playing a lot of Mario Kart Wii lately and now I'm realizing how great this game was. Definitely better than that FAILURE known as Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Good concept, but crappy gameplay. I'm glad it's all back to single racers on karts now. Here's my ranks with the Mario Kart games.

1) Mario Kart 64

2) Super Mario Kart

3) Mario Kart Wii

4) Mario Kart DS

5) Mario Kart: Super Circuit

6) Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Oh wow, I'm starting to feel like a Nintendo fanboy all over again.
*sighs dreamily*

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Lately work has really been bumming me down. Like I seriously dread heading into work and I really think I'm too young to feel this way about a job. So, I'm in the process of filling out an application for BEST BUY and keeping my fingers crossed they'll hire. If so, then I have two choices I'm debating between:

A) I keep my job at TARGET but only work on the weekends


B) Just quit TARGET and work FULL-TIME at BEST BUY.

Personally A would benefit me more. Simply because if I work both jobs I'd get paid every week. With TARGET I get paid BI-WEEKLY and if I recall correctly BEST BUY gets paid BI-WEEKLY as well but on an opposite rotation. So this means I'd have currency every week! WOO-HOO!

P.S- MEGA BIG UPS to everyone who peeped the video and actually enjoyed it. There is more to come...

Monday, October 13, 2008

TM-1 Demo

First of many to come.

Phase 2 of The Sunshine A. Jones Process

First and foremost mega props go to the artist who crafted this beautiful specimen. He goes by xl Spiral lx. Now here's a little background on Ms. Jones for ya...

This bio is different from the one I posted on a while back. I decided to re-edit and change some things about her.

Name: Sunshine Jones
Age: 16
Weight: 110lbs
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female
Birthplace: Woodcrest, Illnois
Friend: Jazmine Dubois
Rival: Carmela Rodriquez
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea
Favorite Band: N*E*R*D
Hobbies: daydreaming about Riley, working, singing N*E*R*D songs in her undergarmets around the house
Personality: Very shy around strangers, soft-spoken but has been known to go primal when necessary. She's no pushover...
Favorite Quote: "Wealth is of the heart and mind. Not the pocket."

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Finally, I got a camera to claim as my own. I brought the Samsung S860 on SALE at TARGET for $88. Oh and you definitely cannot forget about that 10% discount, which helps on transactions like this. So I'll finally have new pictures and now I can even do some videos. Fair warning though, if I do videos they will be RANDOM INSANITY.

Is that a motherlovin' RPG?

You gotta love SLJ.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Speed Is Life

That's Target's motto. I definitely feel like they live up to that aspect a little too much. After my eight hour battle on the clock, I feel very fast indeed. But not fast enough for them. Oh and by them I mean my management staff...which is ridiculous. It's funny too because they'll give you a main objective depends upon your shift. I was a midday shift today, which means all I needed to do was keep my area (TOYS) straighten and put up the reshop (things people buy and return) Sounds simple right? Well how about the fact that the front end staff is short about three cashiers so you're expected to run up there and help out. While I am ringing up guests (not in my job description) people are tearing my section apart. So you get back from FAST SERVICE as they like to call it and you come back to ground zero. Next up they tell you to do CAFS which stands for Computer Automated Fill. So basically you are now restocking the shelves with stuff that has been brought by the guest. Now usually they have them separated so you can grab the corresponding CAF to your designated area. NOT TODAY OF COURSE, because everything was mixed up! So now we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off putting up items in every damn department. So once again my poor poor TOYS section gets even more destroyed and then once again they call for FAST SERVICE. I mean I could go on for days how dreadful my shift was today but I think I'll save you the trip by giving you the moral of this short short story.



Friday, October 10, 2008

Zelda Appreciation Blog

Zelda is invariably the crown princess of Hyrule in whichever time period she appears. She is also the possessor of the Triforce of Wisdom, imbued with the essence of the Goddess Nayru. The essence of Nayru affords Zelda divine wisdom, allowing her to discern the wisest decisions, especially in situations concerning the welfare of Hyrule. It also grants her a myriad of mystical abilities, including the ability to heal others.

I only made this because she kicks ASS in Brawl. If you don't believe me then come see me and get your SHIT pushed in. AH-HA!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Survey Says...

YOU'RE DEAD! Haha, gotta love some classic WU-TANG CLAN. Here's the whole part so you can get a better understanding of what I just said. Unless you're a old school hip-hop head, then disregard this.

"I be tossin, enforcin, my style is awesome
I'm causin more Family Feud's than Richard Dawson
And the survey said -- ya dead." ~RZA

Yerp, but today is PAYDAY. $504.11 has been transferred to my checking account which means it is time to buy some new things. Things which consist of: new shirts (definitely a new TMNT shirt), some jeans, maybe a hoody, hopefully a book from Barnes and Nobles and maybe another DVD. I copped Robot Chicken Season 3 yesterday and will be watching it as soon as I get a hold of a DVD player. If only my baby, XBOX 360 was here to support me. That trick is out cheatin' on me somewhere in TEXAS. Haha, silly me...well I'm OUTTY 5000 for the night because I have work at 7AM and it's currently 12:45AM. HOLLA!


Phase 1 of The Sunshine A. Jones Process

Ladies and gentlemen behold! This is the beautiful Sunshine Amaya Jones. She was created by yours truly, TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT and drawn by xl Spiral lx aka Sharif Anderson. She's an original character from my The Boondocks story entitled 'And She Get Discouraged.' In that story she is the love interest of fifteen year old Riley Freeman. This is Phase 1 of her character design. This is her in chibi form. Chibi basically means small/child-like, so this is that. Phase 2 will actually contain her current character model. Once Phase 2 is posted, I will also contain a bio of her.

Link to story:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nineteen Years Of Flawless Dental Comes To An End

Yerp! I went to the dentist for a simple cleaning today. Little did I know I secretly have not one, but TWO cavities and I will now need a crown for my chipped tooth. Thank goodness for DENTAL benefits from TARGET. The initial cost of the crown would be about $1,003...but I only have to pay 20% which means I only $200. YAY ME! I also need to start flossing caused I have GINGIVITIS...well sorta. I really spaced out the dentist because she reminded me of my manager at TARGET.

Pretty Sammy's Theory on Friendship?

So this is the idea of making two enemies into good friends?

WARNING: This scene is very HOMO...but hilarious in my opinion.

Turtles In Time

Why has this game yet to be available on XBOX LIVE or the Wii Shop Channel? C'mon Konami...if you can release the original TMNT for NES (which sucked btw) and the original TMNT arcade game (which was alright but it ain't got shit on Turtles in Time) why can't we have the best TMNT game of all-time? Oh and please that long ass run-on sentence. My sentence structuring is full of FAIL right now. But I'm tired of playing the ROM for this classic, I wanna bring it HOME to a console.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Goodbye, XBOX360!

Well today is the day. The day that I will ship my XBOX off to Texas. Hopefully this'll be the last time I will have to ship it off. Actually I know it's bound to happen again damn it. Why would Microsoft make such a faulty system? THE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW...

This will be my main focus for the next 2-3 weeks. I think this picture is pretty cool, oh and if you don't know what this must live in BEDROCK or something. That is a picture of Samus Aran, Ness and Kirby. Three characters featured one of the greatest fighting games ever crafted by man, Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Monday, October 6, 2008

8GB Microsoft Zune

This is definitely something I'd like for Christmas. As of right now my 30GB iPod is in last stand (Call of Duty 4 players know what I mean) The jack on the inside is screwed up so I can only hear out of one ear, unless I adjust the wiring. The battery life has shorten dramatically. Instead of lasting for 3 hours, it only can tolerate about 1.75 hours. So out with the old and in with the new. Plus it will be able to connect with my Microsoft XBOX 360, which is currently broken.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Repairs Are Needed

Thank goodness I have one of these. I have to ship my XBOX off to the factory where they can repair the broken hardware inside of my XBOX360. This process will take roughly about 2-3 weeks. What will I ever do without my precious XBOX360? Play with my original love again. By original love, I mean Nintendo Wii. Oh and now I can also focus on writing fanfiction and my untitled original story.


I guess it was finally time for my XBOX 360 to FAIL. Apparently something is wrong with the GPU inside of my system. Thank goodness I have my year warranty still, oh and I also have a 3 year extended service plan from TARGET. Which actually benefits me more since I can always get it replaced instantly. So maybe this isn't as bad as I thought it would be...

Friday, October 3, 2008


is a funny ass show. It's really stupid but for some reason it humors me which is a WIN in my book.


"Everybody's an Enemy
telling me lies and it's killing me
why they all want to get rid of me
Everybody's my enemy
Several try to disguise the devil in them
Wanting to get into my cerebellum but I'm
Ready and willing to tell them that I can't eff with them
Exhale so hard it got my chest swelling
like my dick does when watching naked women
do sick stuff on my porn collection on television"

Believe it or not, that is how I feel sometimes.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Coming Soon...

Lately I've been thinking to myself, I write good stories based off of other people's ideas but what if I tried to make a story of my own? I've done a couple during my years in high school, but now it's time to bring them to the big stage. So I will be creating a short story and posting it here on my blog. A release date is unknown at this time since the forecast in my brain is still overcast. The weatherman says there is a 99.9% chance of a brainstorm accurring in my head from the hours of 4:00pm til 11:15pm. I will just tell you the plot is basically about a civilation at war with each other in the year 2025. Keep ya eyes open...^_^


eBay = WIN

This is by far the craziest thing I've seen sold on eBay to date...just read and try to keep ya jaw from hitting the ground.

SAGINAW, Mich. - With a winning bid of just $1.75, a Chicago woman has won an auction for an abandoned home in Saginaw. Joanne Smith, 30, recently was the top bidder for the home during an auction on eBay, The Saginaw News reported. Her bid was one of eight for the home.

"I am going to try and sell it," she told the newspaper. "I don't have any plans to move to Saginaw."

Smith said she hasn't seen the property or visited Saginaw, which has been hard-hit by economic troubles in recent years.

There's a notice on the door of the home saying a foreclosure hearing is pending, the newspaper said. She must pay about $850 in back taxes and yard cleanup costs.
The Saginaw News said it could not reach the seller, Southern Investments LLC, for comment.

In a couple of weeks we're going to see that house on MTV CRIBS, real deal.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cock Goblin or Goblin Cock?

Which do you prefer?


The deerhaunter (my 2000 Chevy Cavalier) will be up and running in a couple of hours once me and my pops install a new battery. It's going to feel great to drive on my own without having to rely on people for rides. However, I would like to thank the people who have offered and given me rides to places I've needed to be within the last week. Especially that monk-monk named G$...AH-HA!

Gasping For Air Makes The Righteous Path Hard To Choose

It does indeed. I feel at this point I've got too much shit going on for me to maintain all of the things I enjoy. From going to college, working nearly 40 hours a week, having a social life/gaming life, writing and having a girlfriend. I can't do all these things without neglecting the other and it really urks me. I wish the day had more than 24 hours in it. At this point it looks like I'll have to drop either: writing or gaming. I've neglected the writing a lot but I really shouldn't since that's my possible career choice. It's really hard for me to turn gaming down as well since it's my favorite hobby. From Super Nintendo all the way to XBOX 360, video games helped me through my childhood. Yes, it's sad but true. I can't give up college, but possibly give up on work. Maybe reduce my hours...I dunno. I'm really trying to enjoy life to the fullest, but I think my tank is going way past F right about now.

The Bond Between Man And His Zune...