Yesterday I had a guest in Electronics last night purchase 'Stars Wars: The Force Unleashed' (which is a great game btw). Now he must have been about fifteen since he was wearing a class of 2012 shirt. After he buys the game, his grandma asks him what he bought. He tells her and she asks him "What do you do in this game?" and he said "You use the force...". She then cut him off and asked "Is this a game Jesus would buy? Would Jesus use the force?" When I heard her begin to question him about the game, I secretly was LMAO in my head. I had my back faced to them so I couldn't make it seem like I was evasdropping. Plus I had a kool-aid smile on my face, so I didn't want to seem rude. Ya know, smiling in the kids face while his g-ma got all holy on him. She insisted for him to buy another game that our savior would approve but he didn't give in. Kudos to him. Hey, I believe in Jesus and all but in the world we live in today...it's like virtually impossible not to sin. I mean this game isn't even all that violence, I could understand if he was buying GEARS 2, COD: World at War or GTA IV. Hopefully he'll never buy a video game in front of his grandmother again.
yea it is basically impossible to not sin, unless u lock urself up
He just might lol this is funny
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