Well start with #5, which is one of Charles Hamilton's mixtapes from his self-proclaimed Hamiltonization Process. The mixtape is called Staff Development. On this particular tape, Hamilton showcases his skills as usual, but he's not alone. His group known as Demevolist have joined the session and kill a massive amount of the tracks. My favorite song is a three way tie between: Air Conditioner, Party of Five and Mt. Rushmore.

Number 3 is kinda older than the previous two. But that doesn't matter, good music is good music no matter when it was made. Demon Days was such a beautifully crafted masterpiece. It's not only alternative, it's also hip-hop, reggae, soul...I mean Gorillaz can do anything! My favorite track is definitely All Alone, with the track Demon Days as a honorable mention.
I will have the other two albums posted on a later blog sometime today.
I'm on da edge of my seat right now real talk. P.S. I shoulda beat you 2day!
I'm expecting the Pink Lavalamp to be in the top 2, if it aint.....
im blowin yo fuckin house up with a straight face............................................. lol
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