Saturday, February 7, 2009

Fans Are Cool!

Oh yes, another milestone has been achieved on this blog. 149 posts ago I never thought I make it this far but this post proves different. What will this post be about? Something random like Post #100? Nah. Will it be about one of my favorite video game characters? Nah. Will it be about a recent event that has happened to me? Heck no. Post #150, is about you guys, the fans. Followers of this blog, people who read it and enjoy it. Folks who hate it but yet can't resist to look. For all the loyalists on that read my stories. It is especially for the ones who review the stories and spread the love around the world. It really makes me feel good to know people from Hong Kong to parts of Australia have read my work before. One of the first times I realized I had fans and that I could possibly make a career out of writing was back in 2007, October to be exact when a nice fellow by the name of Issac Johnson said about my story entitled 'The Life and Times of Wuncler High School':

First of all let me complement you on a very well written piece of text. I'm a junior Speech Communication major a Colorado State University, and currently i'm enrolled in a Critical Media Studies class. The class as been assinged a writing project on "Fandom". let me tell you i've been all over this website the last week, reading a vaarity of different fan fiction; and i must say that your text stands out against, the diversity to say the least, text on this website. the text flowed in a very consincse manner. the reader is never lost while reading the text, and personally i was very entertained. i'd like to cite you work in my up coming paper and love have your actually name; to be able to give full credit to your work. grate writing and by the way i love madvilliny track 3 and "all caps" are my two favorite songs!! later"

That's just an indescribable feeling when a guy you can only consider a stranger compliments you on your work. Then the constants reviews I got from these follow authors have also been oil to this writing machine. Special thanks and much love to:

Mizz C




And just to ALL the others who have reviewed and write stories. When I see an update from an author and I read their own individual story, it's good to look at how stories unfold. Then it makes you wanna continue or create a new story, well if it's your passion at least. As previous stated, writing is my passion.

Back in November 2008, princesslady, a really good author said in regards to my story entitled 'The Legend Of The Jurai Infinity Stone':

"Loving the plot here. Its new and unique. I hardly come here anymore due to inactivity but I am gonna start. Boondocks needs good fiction and its up to us to deliver."

First off I can't tell you how proud that made me of my writing. This is when I definitely discovered that in order to become good at something you do please others, you'll need some sort of motivation. My fans are my motivation, I do this for them. I love to share my dreams, ideas and my unique imagination with others. Why keep it concealed to myself? Share your ideas with the world, something that might not be too good to you may be the next best thing to someone else. When I say that I mean, for example sometimes I think my writings just plain suck, but I still post them. A couple of days laters I'll see reviews from people saying they loved it and going into detail. Also, thanks to gaining all these fans, I've also established a couple of friendships along the way with YoungNeil, MizzC and SapphireStones. Now that I have a well-established fanbase, now is the perfect time to let all of you know that I will be creating an account on and hopefully releasing a complete original short story by summer 2K9. Now it's time to allow my imagination to complete shine.

Don't forget my sixteenth fanfiction entitled Provider will be coming out on Valentine's Day!

Have a good day! Or good night...or perhaps a good morning!!! Whatever floats yer boat...



Anonymous said...

To bad my boat doesn't float. Congratulations blogga!

Zay316 said...

16th fanfiction?!?!? 16??!! really?!?! didn't know you was that deep in the game mane. keep pushin

The Bond Between Man And His Zune...