Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Peter Parker Blog Color Scheme Theory

Decided in celebration of my new shoes, I should be like Robert Freeman and sing the new shoes song. Hah! Nah I joke I joke I kid I kid. But in all seriousness I feel like it was time to switch up the color scheme to some a little more colorful. I'm off that purple stuff and now it's time for something a bit more colorful. Spidey's hanging outside my window right now with a thumbs up approval for this one. It's 8:20 and I'm pretty bored right now but I could be doing many things right now. Here's the list rollin' on 24s!

  1. Finding a cure for cancer.
  2. Fixing my car!
  3. Going to work a 2 hour closing shift @ TARGET...
Okay that was my fake's the real list of potential achievements I could be unlocking...

  1. Playing Street Fighter IV and unlocking Gouken (Ryu and Ken's sensei) and Seth (the most annoying boss of all-time)
  2. Playing Gears of War 2 with Mr. Asshole Bitch aka BlackPhoenix843 bka Charles Wilder
  3. Typing up Chapter 16 of The Life and Times of WHS 2 (haven't updated that story since Sept. 2k8
  4. Playing Super Princess Peach (easiest Mario platformer ever...well so far)
Eventually I'll do something, but right now I'll just zone out while I'm listening to the Afro Samurai OST.


SB Dunk-A-Licious!

eBay has served its purpose in improvement my kick game. These are some Nike SB Dunks and these are called Spiderman Edition, simply because it has Spidey's color. Red, blue and black. These shoes usually cost $89.99-$129.99 but today I got them for $69.99. Ordered them on Sunday, received them today. Maybe I should shop eBay more often...



P.S.- I need a haircut...

My Dream Car

I bet I could always parallel park wherever I wanted for the rest of my life in this beaut. Okay, let stop lying this isn't my dream car but you've gotta admit this is a badass monster truck.

Ah, there we go. This looks way better than that big ol' truck. I'm very fond of Toyotas, especially their model named Celica. I've seen a couple every now and then and they are drop dead gorgeous. Like if I was a male car, I'd beat. Haha, but seriously it's a nice car. Too bad you'll only find them used now since they aren't being prouduced anymore. Definitely better than those silly ol' Hondas, right G$?


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prophets of Rage (another TM-1 bf)

bf= bitch fit

Grrr! I'm upset right now for various reasons. They say letting out your steam will cool you off? Well here are a couple of reasons I'm upset right now:

  1. Target, my place of employment has reduced me to a mere 22-28 hours a week.
  2. My car is still broken. My pops insists that he can get a mechanic (who has yet to show) to fix it for cheap but I'm tired of bumming rides.
  3. Video games. I love them to death, but some games are so damn cheap. Like the difficulty is ridiculous. Oh and the little gay tricks people learn in games to do cheap tactics just kills me, literally. Well in the game at least...
Alright, that's really it. Not too much, but it's still something. However I should be grateful because I'm alive, have a roof over my head and great family and friends to keep me going!!! See, I already feel a bit better. Hopefully in a couple of minutes I'll be looking like this...

Well, minus the blonde hair and the blue eyes. Oh and definitely minus the woman's [censored].


Ooh Baby, You Want Me?!

Remember back on Feb 13th I posted a blog about my Top 5 albums? Well this is the second part of it...actually it's another half. I'll post the number 1 album at a later time. This was N*E*R*D's debut album that they beautifully hand crafted back in 2001. One of The Neptunes best productions in my opinion, but they really wanted to play their own instruments. Since they had no time to learn before the album was release, they got together with a band named Spymob and re-released the album in 2002 using live instruments. This is what lead to their sophomore album Fly or Die and third album Seeing Sounds to be recorded using live instruments. My favorite tracks are: Brain, Provider, Truth or Dare, Am I High and Bobby James. No skippable tracks, lyrics are simple but yet extremely catchy. Certain songs like Provider however tell a great story and songs like Lapdance and Rockstar just get you in the zone.


Monday, February 23, 2009

The Most Important Meal Of The Day

For the first time in AEONS. No, for the first time in many MOONS and many SUNS. Wait, for the first time in nearly a half year. I mean, okay I think you understand how long it has been, right? Okay, now to the importance of this post. This morning was the first time in a long time I actually ate a bowl of cereal for breakfest! Now the only time I eat breakfast is usually on Sunday since I wake up @ 315AM to go to work. But any of the other six you'll catch me having my first meal near noon which isn't good. So today I just decided to fix me a quick bowl of Frosted Flakes and after it digested I felt stronger than usual. Like the flakes were equivalent to a leaf of Popeye's spinach. Well I know now I will try to eat breakfast at least every OTHER day.

~TM-1 Story Roll Call

The following blog post will inform you guys on exactly which stories I've completed, which stories are active and currently being worked on and which ones have been discontinued. All sixteen of my stories can be access via this URL:

Now here's the roll call of my works...


The Life and Times of Wuncler High School - a Boondocks fanfic

Welcome to Ed Wuncler Memorial High School. The most corrupt school in the midwest. Huey, Jazmine, Caesar and Cindy have finally made it to the final frontier. Will they be able to survive one more year?
One of my best has over 150+ reviews. I loved the plot so much I had to make a sequel.

The Coolest - a Boondocks fanfic
What happens when Riley chases The Cool? Find out in this oneshot story based off of Lupe Fiasco's song entitled 'The Coolest'

Ballin': The Battle For Meadowlark Lemon Park - a Boondocks fanfic
Riley and Cindy have versed each other two-hundred and two times and they were even on victories. It's time to settle their differences. How? By playing a friendly game of HORSE, of course. However this isn't no normal game because Jazmine, Huey and Caesar are playing too!

The Return Of The Killer Kung Fu Wolf Bitch - a Boondocks fanfic

Three weeks after Luna's untimely death, Huey ponders if Luna is really dead. Huey, Riley and Jazmine are in for the fight of their life as they battle Luna, Nicole and fifteen wolves!

Provider - a Boondocks fanfic

When times are rough for Riley, how will he be able to provide for his five month pregnant girlfriend and their future daughter? Based off of the song, Provider by N*E*R*D.


Chapter 16 of The Life and Times of Wuncler High School II: A Woodcrest Summer entitled Red Dot Special (30% done)
Chapter 7 of And She Gets Discouraged Dial L for Love (in brainstorm mode)
Chapter 4 of The Legend Of The Jurai Infinity Stone entitled No Need For Invasion (5% done)


No Need For Sports - a Tenchi Muyo! fanfic
Let's Nab Cindy! - a Boondocks fanfic

Deceased (R.I.P):
Beef- a Boondocks fanfic
Super Smash Sports- a Super Smash Bros fanfic (super old)
The True Champ: Screwed and Chopped LP - a Super Smash Bros fanfic (prehistoric)
SSX Tricked Out! - a SSX Tricky fanfic
SSX Tricky Muyo!: Showdown @ The Tokyo Megaplex - a SSX Tricky/Tenchi Muyo crossover fanfic

As of right now you can see I'm only focus on the actives, the discontinued stuff are still alive but the likelihood of revival is low. So fanfiction loyalists, now you know. Oh and blog followers, visitors of this blogs or just anyone who has yet to read my stories, go ahead a take a skinny dip into my imagination.


P.S.- This blog was motivated by Sitaru, good lookin!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I ♥ Dunks!

One of the many reasons to love Nike SB Dunks...



Flashing Lights!

Circa Tokyo Nights Custom Tee


It's currently on a back-order though, so it doesn't ship until the 28th of this month. Next Sunday my debit will be locked and loaded to purchase this beauty of a t-shirt.


Friday, February 20, 2009

A Picture Of My Brain

For some reason this picture kinda represents my brain. The left side (Mihoshi) is my lazy side, the I don't give a...side. Meanwhile on the right side (Kiyone), that's the be all I can be side. Now whenever I'm at school, the right side definitely outshines the left. Now when I'm at TARGET, especially on a slow night, which is pretty much Monday through Thursday...then I'm definitely the left. However Friday-Sunday, my inner-Kiyone comes out and I give it my all to satsify. It's just in my blood. In conclusion, this picture from Tenchi Universe displays my brain perfectly.


P.S.- The food Mihoshi is ordering looks delightful.

Holy Moly! SMFH!!!

Finally a legit picture of Rihanna has been leaked...this is horrible. A lot worse than that photoshopped all official respect points for Chris Brown have been flushed down the toilet. CB don't be afraid of the LAPD, be afraid of Jay-Z.


TM-1 Vents Part II

Once again I find myself sitting on a fence that is in between the land of TARGET and the land of UNEMPLOYED and I'm leaning towards the wrong side. I'm really just fed up with the MANAGEMENT at my so called day job. I swear every time it seems like things are getting better, they hit a 360 and become worse. I could rant all day about what's wrong with that place but instead I'll talk about two important things. The number one reason I'm upset is because the managers are considering replacing TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT with someone since the guest survey scores suck so badly back there. Is it my fault? HELL NO! I've been told by 99.9% of my guest that I'm really helpful and I give GREAT guest service. So why would we have bad scores? It's simple...we have low quantity on big quality items. Now when the guest come in and want to purchase the goods and we don't have it...they get upset, go on the computer, take the survey and say we're doing a bad job. Haters will be haters, I guess. The other thing ticking me off is how one week they give me like six shifts in a row, then the next week I barely get three days. I seriously don't like bein toyed around like that, but when I let my voice be heard, I'm told I'm not being a team player...damn this recession! Hopefully I can land another job before I explode!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Here's A Equation

10 followers = x of comments

x= ?

I've been stuck on this math problem for a while now, just wondering. X always seems to equal between 1-4 which is cool, but still doesn't exactly add up, feel me?


And He Gets The Game...

Wow and just like that the tables have turned and I'm about to go to Beaufort or possibly my hellhole (TARGET) and claim my baby. Thanks to a good friend of mine who is offering me a ride out there. Hopefully this game is not overrated like some people online were saying. I'm a huge SF fan and now that they have a brand new game out after a twelve year hiatus, I'm more than ready to whoop some ass with Sagat and Cammy White. Will this be my happy ending? Stay tuned...


Someday This'll Be Over...

Oh my goodness, I'm really pissed right now! I just got home from TCL Techinial College of the Lowcountry) I now find myself carless since my dad isn't home and my POS car is still offline. So I'm mad because I'm alone? Nah, I'm a rider but I mean I'm stranded right now. Street Fighter IV came out yesterday but is very limited around these parts. For some odd reason CAPCOM decided to get rid of their STREET DATE for the game, so now every retailer will get it and sell it when they please which is JACKED UP. After doing massive research and making phone calls I finally found a location of who actually has the game in-stock. Of course, this would be in another city that's about 15 miles away from where I reside. Grrr...


Monday, February 16, 2009

With 571 plays...

"I sell fertilizer, I don't give a shit!" ~Charles Hamilton

I think it's about time for me to realize that Charles Ailey Hamilton Jr. is one of my favorite rappers ,at the time. The man is constantly interacting with his fans via blog, making mixtapes out of the ass and will be dropping a retail album sometime this year. He's pretty much on top of the world, his own little pink world.


One Of The Many Reasons The Western All-Stars Won...

Shaq + Jabbawockeez = co-MVP


My Brain Is Alive

Sick album art (gotta love the Krang cameo), looks like this was the surprise that Charles Hamilton had in mind for his 1oooth blog post on Empty Capsules/Fatal Placebos: The Charles Hamilton Blog. Will definitely give this a listen tomorrow.


Good night, world...hello dreams/nightmares!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Samuel L. Jackson + a black ninja= NINJA NINJA

This is possibly one of my favorite anime characters of all-time. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm please to introduce to you, Ninja Ninja. He's from the anime known as Afro Samurai. This is a unique character because he isn't real, he is actually Afro Samurai's inner emotions such as: anger, happiness, sorrow, etc etc. Since Afro can't control his emotions, he only sees Ninja Ninja who is the total opposition of himself. Oh and did I mention he is voice by Samuel L. Jackson? Here are some of my favorite NINJA NINJA quotes...

"Mount that asshole! Wait, that came out wrong..."

"If every woman I stuck my dick into died, I would put that shit on my resume."

"She puts both the asses in assassin!"

"What? I can read. It's called education bitch!"

"Is that a mother fuckin' RPG?! You got a mother fuckin' RPG?! An RPG in a mother fuckin' back pack?!"


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Provider snippet

Tiny rays of sunlight clashed through the ancient blinds that covered the lone window of the room. Light feminine snores filled the atmosphere accompanied by loud masculine snores. This scene was all too familiar to a now twenty-one year old, Riley Freeman. His orbs slowly opened as he peered to his right to see his lover, his baby, his everything but most importantly mother of his future daughter, Sunshine Jones. A small smile crept across his rough face as he stroked a strand of loose hair from Sunshine’s forehead and tucked behind her ear. Admiring the silky red nightgown his girlfriend had on made him realize that his attire was very familiar. Too familiar since it was the same clothes he had on the previous night.

“Damn, must have fell asleep as soon as I got in.” the younger Freeman brother mumbled as he sat up to the foot of the queen size bed.

Once he gained enough energy in his body, Riley hopped up and walked over towards the bathroom. Glancing at himself in the mirror he realized that over the last couple of months he’s really been letting himself go. Once known for his thuggish charm and cute looks, now Riley was known for his bummy attire and poor grooming. The shirt he currently was wearing was a 3XL black tee but it looked faded and he had holy faded blue jeans. His braids were nappy, he had a rough looking goatee and heavy bags continuously became visible on his face.

“Man, I need some money!” he yelled to himself in the mirror. “I couldn’t even win no money at that MADDEN tourney last night. I actually lost about fifty bucks…”

Riley sighed and pulled out his cell phone and began to dial an all too familiar phone number. Taking a deep breath, he placed the phone to his ear and listened to it ring about two times before a voice answered.

“Hello?” the voice yawned.

“Huey, I need some money.” Riley said blankly.

“No.” Huey said in a cold tone. “After all that shit you talked back in the day about being a thug, a hustler, a gangsta and now you need something? Is that lifestyle not accommodating your economical needs? I’m not like Granddad, I will not spoil you. You’re going to have to learn your lessons the hard way.”

“Who is that on the phone, honey?” a voice yelled from Huey’s background.

“It’s Riley.” Huey answered his high school sweetheart, Jazmine Dubois. She nodded when she heard the answer and snuggled her head back into her pillow as the two brothers continued to talk on the phone.

“Please Huey, I didn’t think shit would hit the fan this bad. I just remembered that our rent is due today and if I don’t cough up any paper, the landlord will kick us out.” Riley begged.

“Riley, it’s time to be a man. What if I was dead right now? What if I lived on the other side of the planet? Would you still be able to get money from me?” Huey asked. “My point is, you are considered an adult now. Lots of things in life are not just given to you, you gotta earn them. You made the horrible decision to drop out of high school.”

“Aye now, hold up nigga!” Riley interupted. “They kicked me out!”

“And why is that again?”

“For fightin’ Butch and nearly killin’ his ass from the fourth story window...” Riley moaned. “That was a highlight of my life, but at the same time also a big downfall.”

“Yep, the charges were so high and the BOE decided to ban you from all schools in Illnois.” Huey added.

“Aight Mr. Smart Ass Nigga, what do I do?” Riley’s voice became serious.

“Get off your lazy black ass and find a job!”

“Well last night I tried to win a video game tournament, you know MADDEN-”

“Nigga, that’s not a job. I mean go find a place of employment so you can actually earn checks!” Huey practically screamed through the phone. “Your head is still empty I see…”

“Aye man, you ain’t had to yell all up in my ear…”

“It seems like that's the only way I can get to you sometimes, but I’m about to take a shower and get ready to for class. Jazmine has a class on the south campus, so we need to be heading out. I'll be over later and we can discuss some possible opportunities.”

“Ight, nigga.” Riley snapped his phone shut.

“Good morning, Riley.” Sunshine moaned from under the covers as Riley entered the bedroom.

“Sup baby.” He walked up and placed a kiss on her lips.

“Nothin’” Riley then sat down beside her. “Can you get yo mom to throw some cheddar our way?”

“You told me last week you was getting a job, didn’t you get one yet?” Sunshine sat up to Riley’s level. “We can’t keep borrowing money from my mom!”

“I’m tryin’ to get some money, some good money…” Riley said. “A normal job ain’t enough.”

“A normal job pays, playing video games and playing pick-up games at Meadowlark Lemon Park will not pay our rent!” Sunshine growled through gritted teeth.

“Oh and like yo ass is doin’ work!” Riley retorted.

“I’m five months pregnant with your daughter and I’m in school!”

“Aye Rayna is your daughter too, ain’t no need to say it like dat now…”

“You know what I mean, honey.” Sunshine rubbed her face against Riley’s. “Today, can you try to get a real job and I’ll talk Ms. Johansen into letting us pay the rent in a couple of days.”

“Ight.” Riley sat up and stepped into his all-white Reebok Classics. “Today feels like a good day.”

For the rest of the story, click here.


Microsoft Word 2007 + No Spell Check = No Story Until Later Today

Provider is done, only one problem lies ahead...NO SPELL CHECK! I must have the bootleg version of MS Word because by now every typing program known to man should have a spellcheck. So now I've got to do it all the classic way and proofread...well I'm going to need some of that drink that Sana's got in her hand in the picture above. That's a energy drink...not liquor. But yes Provider is going to be posted before 11:59pm today.


Friday, February 13, 2009

In The Zone!

I'm on a writing frenzy at this point, Provider is now about 65% done! I'm so amped about this story, I can really feel my imagination being unleashed into this one. The story will be completed before I close my eyes for the day, so I'm expecting it to be published on 2/14. Also, for the lazy bloggers/visitors of my page...I'll post the whole damn story in a blog post tomorrow as well. This will be my last post for the evening, so everyone have a HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13TH!


The Top 5 Albums In Rotation Part I

Well start with #5, which is one of Charles Hamilton's mixtapes from his self-proclaimed Hamiltonization Process. The mixtape is called Staff Development. On this particular tape, Hamilton showcases his skills as usual, but he's not alone. His group known as Demevolist have joined the session and kill a massive amount of the tracks. My favorite song is a three way tie between: Air Conditioner, Party of Five and Mt. Rushmore.

Number 4 goes to a cool cat by the name of Turbo T. Double. Now this is a guy that I think will get signed sooner or later, if not...hip-hop needs help. ElectroRock V4 showcases Double's skills as an emcee, a storyteller, a punchline rapper, metaphorical mastermind and last but not least a funny dude. The Realest Song I Ever Wrote lol is a prime example of his comedic skills. Meanwhile songs like S.L.U. Double showcases his forte in metaphors. My favorite song off this mixtape is definitely: Bird's Eye View. To hear or learn more about Turbo, you should visit: Turbo

Number 3 is kinda older than the previous two. But that doesn't matter, good music is good music no matter when it was made. Demon Days was such a beautifully crafted masterpiece. It's not only alternative, it's also hip-hop, reggae, soul...I mean Gorillaz can do anything! My favorite track is definitely All Alone, with the track Demon Days as a honorable mention.

I will have the other two albums posted on a later blog sometime today.



After a 10 year hiatus, the greatest fighters are back to take it to the streets! This will be the second game I'll purchase this year. After this I only plan on buying Resident Evil 5 and Halo 3 Recon. Everything else will be rentals via Gamefly or unless I win enough free $5 giftcards at work.


P.S.- Provider is now officially still 50% done. Need to get my ish together!

Well Isn't This Awkward

This one is for the lovers, it comes out on Friday the 13th. Which is today by the way...

For more info, visit Charles Hamilton's Blog: Abbreviated Dreams/Extended Nightmares


Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Top 5 songs ATM (at the moment)

I'll put them in order from least listened to most listened, then my current favorite song by the respected artist...

5) Pharrell Williams- Take It Off (Dim The Lights)
4) Mos Def- Know That feat. Talib Kweli
3) Nas- It Ain't Hard To Tell
2) Gorillaz- All Alone
1) Charles Hamilton- Party Of Five

Weird combination, eh? Well I'm about diversity. Next blog post will be about my Top 5 albums that are in rotation. And when I say album, I mean it's one that I can listen to from start all the way to finish.


Provider is...

about 50% done with a deadline of 2/14/09. That's exactly not the best, but the good news is I am off tomorrow and saturday which means no matter what this story will be up on 2/14 wheter it is 12AM or 11:59pm...GODSPEED!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Provider (with lyrics)

Woke up I had the same clothes on I had on last night
I must have passed out
And cash is just like the clothes I worn yesterday
We are broke
I gotta get my ass out
I went to see what my friend was talking about
He told me cocaine would get you clout
My momma said he's trouble and schools my route
But I went to high school and got kicked out
So I'm driving this truck down the 95
I pray to God I make it home alive
I don't get pulled over by the man
I just want to make it home to hold your hand


Goodbye beloved one
Do you know what I am
If you don't see my face no more
I'm a provider girl, gotta face the streets tonight

Goodbye beloved one
Do you know what I am
You don't see my face no more
I'm a rider, girl gotta face the streets tonight
You say you don't want me to go but I have to
Please don't weep
I love you

I refuse to be a bum
Especially coming where I'm from
I'm a provider girl
And I love you

So it's just like I said before
Heading down 95
Dodging Johnny law
I don't need a ticket though I never got one
If he pulls me over
He can feel my shotgun
I think about life pull down my hat
It's just like this road I don't know where I'm at
I don't want to be another cocaine story
Will I find my sanity
Where I find my glory
Come on

[Repeat Chorus]

Someday, Someday, this will be over
We'll raise a family
I'll get a job and I'll be a voter
And if I die
It will change you
Change you
I watch over a family
But only as an angel

So don't tell me you don't know what you see
When you're looking at a motherfucker just like me
I'm a provider girl
I said don't tell me you don't know what you see
When you're looking at a motherfucker just like me
I'm a rider girl

[Repeat Chorus]

I love you girl
I'm doing this for us
I don't know any better
What am I supposed to do
Nothing I love you

Would Jesus Use The Force?

Yesterday I had a guest in Electronics last night purchase 'Stars Wars: The Force Unleashed' (which is a great game btw). Now he must have been about fifteen since he was wearing a class of 2012 shirt. After he buys the game, his grandma asks him what he bought. He tells her and she asks him "What do you do in this game?" and he said "You use the force...". She then cut him off and asked "Is this a game Jesus would buy? Would Jesus use the force?" When I heard her begin to question him about the game, I secretly was LMAO in my head. I had my back faced to them so I couldn't make it seem like I was evasdropping. Plus I had a kool-aid smile on my face, so I didn't want to seem rude. Ya know, smiling in the kids face while his g-ma got all holy on him. She insisted for him to buy another game that our savior would approve but he didn't give in. Kudos to him. Hey, I believe in Jesus and all but in the world we live in's like virtually impossible not to sin. I mean this game isn't even all that violence, I could understand if he was buying GEARS 2, COD: World at War or GTA IV. Hopefully he'll never buy a video game in front of his grandmother again.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Look Up In The Sky

Do you know how it feels with life goes too fast?
The feeling of getting hit by a shotgun blast?
Trying to the look the future, but stuck in the past?
Well this is Season 20 for me and it's still the same cast.
I'd admit I live with a lot of mistakes
But in this world you seem to give more than you take
Gotta understand that no one is flawless
Kinda like Ali left Frazier jawless
When you feel the world around is going dry
The best thing you can do is look up in the sky
Ask for guidance, and you'll be guided.
Now only will be saved, but you'll be provided.
Everytime I'm down and feeling blue
Deep down I grin to myself because I know what to do,
Close your eyes, open your hearts,
Then look up and watch the clouds spread apart...

Don't know where this came from, just a random bunch of lines in my mind. Had to take a short break from writing 'Provider' and just relax since I've been working eversince last Wednesday...


Monday, February 9, 2009

Chris Brown? Really?

I really hope this is all some big misunderstand. Remember you're innocent until proven guilty. But if not, then I'll lost all respect for him as an artist and a man...

Chris Brown's Alleged Assault Charges


Sunday, February 8, 2009


I'm really craving a McDouble right now, but it's too far away...



I'm pretty sure ya know what this acronym means. What must black Africans offer? LMAO, no stupid it means working my black ass off. Less than six hours ago I completed my fifth consecutive shift at TARGET. That means I have worked roughly about thirty-seven hours ever since Wednesday. For some odd reason I'm not tired one bit, well maybe its because I'm eatin' mad Valentine's Day edition of Fun Dip. Or maybe because I just beat GEARS OF WAR 2 today, finally. I've got two more shifts to go, tomorrow I open from 8-3...and then Tuesday is the grand finale with me closing 4-11. The next check is gonna be FAT.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

WTF X2?!?!?!

Apparently my Myspace account got plished, but after I got it unblock it magically got plished again! Even though I barely use Myspace anymore especially since I'm a vet (been connected to Myspace eversince 2005) it's pretty much useless to me now. Lost its real thrill, but I still use as a contacter to get in touch with some peeps...but yeah plishing and having to create two new passwords in less than an hour is MAD wack.


P.S.- You've gotta love cats, and I'm not talking about the animal either....>_>

Fans Are Cool!

Oh yes, another milestone has been achieved on this blog. 149 posts ago I never thought I make it this far but this post proves different. What will this post be about? Something random like Post #100? Nah. Will it be about one of my favorite video game characters? Nah. Will it be about a recent event that has happened to me? Heck no. Post #150, is about you guys, the fans. Followers of this blog, people who read it and enjoy it. Folks who hate it but yet can't resist to look. For all the loyalists on that read my stories. It is especially for the ones who review the stories and spread the love around the world. It really makes me feel good to know people from Hong Kong to parts of Australia have read my work before. One of the first times I realized I had fans and that I could possibly make a career out of writing was back in 2007, October to be exact when a nice fellow by the name of Issac Johnson said about my story entitled 'The Life and Times of Wuncler High School':

First of all let me complement you on a very well written piece of text. I'm a junior Speech Communication major a Colorado State University, and currently i'm enrolled in a Critical Media Studies class. The class as been assinged a writing project on "Fandom". let me tell you i've been all over this website the last week, reading a vaarity of different fan fiction; and i must say that your text stands out against, the diversity to say the least, text on this website. the text flowed in a very consincse manner. the reader is never lost while reading the text, and personally i was very entertained. i'd like to cite you work in my up coming paper and love have your actually name; to be able to give full credit to your work. grate writing and by the way i love madvilliny track 3 and "all caps" are my two favorite songs!! later"

That's just an indescribable feeling when a guy you can only consider a stranger compliments you on your work. Then the constants reviews I got from these follow authors have also been oil to this writing machine. Special thanks and much love to:

Mizz C




And just to ALL the others who have reviewed and write stories. When I see an update from an author and I read their own individual story, it's good to look at how stories unfold. Then it makes you wanna continue or create a new story, well if it's your passion at least. As previous stated, writing is my passion.

Back in November 2008, princesslady, a really good author said in regards to my story entitled 'The Legend Of The Jurai Infinity Stone':

"Loving the plot here. Its new and unique. I hardly come here anymore due to inactivity but I am gonna start. Boondocks needs good fiction and its up to us to deliver."

First off I can't tell you how proud that made me of my writing. This is when I definitely discovered that in order to become good at something you do please others, you'll need some sort of motivation. My fans are my motivation, I do this for them. I love to share my dreams, ideas and my unique imagination with others. Why keep it concealed to myself? Share your ideas with the world, something that might not be too good to you may be the next best thing to someone else. When I say that I mean, for example sometimes I think my writings just plain suck, but I still post them. A couple of days laters I'll see reviews from people saying they loved it and going into detail. Also, thanks to gaining all these fans, I've also established a couple of friendships along the way with YoungNeil, MizzC and SapphireStones. Now that I have a well-established fanbase, now is the perfect time to let all of you know that I will be creating an account on and hopefully releasing a complete original short story by summer 2K9. Now it's time to allow my imagination to complete shine.

Don't forget my sixteenth fanfiction entitled Provider will be coming out on Valentine's Day!

Have a good day! Or good night...or perhaps a good morning!!! Whatever floats yer boat...


Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Holder Of The Triforce Of Wisdom/ The Last Of Member Of The Sheikah Tribe (Brawler #1)

Royalty is always considered the number one figure in society these days and that would be why Princess Zelda is my #1 Brawler. If you're a projectile type fighter then this cat is right up your alley. Her Din's Fire will fly across the stage and hit targets with perfect precision. Do you like reflecting? Another reason why she's up your valley. Using Nayru's Love will send all projectiles back to its sender. Her triple jump better known as Farore's Wind is one of the best in the game because its range is ridicilous.

Now if you're not into using projectiles and reflecting...then maybe you should Transform into Zelda's alter-ego known as Sheik! Now this means you're usually virtually a whole new character. Sheik is a speed-type character so for all the speed demons out there...this is for you. If you can master both forms of this wonderful character, then you'll be a nightmare to your adversary on the battlefield. This now concludes the summary of my Top 5 Brawlers. Maybe this was helpful to some, interesting, maybe even boring. I DON'T CARE. But I seriously hope you enjoyed!


Story #16 Is On The Way...

Yes, the lad to the right of this text is no other than the infamous Riley Freeman from the comic strip and TV show known as The Boondocks. He will be the lead character in my upcoming short story entitled Provider. The plot will loosely be based off one of my favorite N*E*R*D songs called Provider. In this story, Riley who has now grown into a young man at the age of twenty-one finds himself in a tight situation. His girlfriend and future baby mama, Sunshine (an original character I created myself) is five months pregnant, the rent is due and neither of them have money. How will they be able to get by? Can Riley provide for his love and future daughter? I'm hoping to have this small project complete by Valentine's Day but that's definitely no guarantee but that's what I'm aiming for.


P.S.- This is Post #148, two more til I hit another MILESTONE baby!

Righteous Fortune Cookies!

I ate some chinese food for the first time in aeons and I got these nice fortunes. The first one was the one you actually see in that picture. Which is very true, well at least 99.9% of people I interact with on a daily basis would agree. The one fortune was very interesting..."The best profit of future is the past." I'll definitely keep that in mind as I'm trying to achieve my long term goals.


Mama Always Knows Best! (read from RIGHT to LEFT) [Repost]

It's a little blurry but readable. I don't know what happened to the original JPEG, so sorry for anyone who looked at this earlier and saw nothing but BLANKNESS.


Santa Cruz Screaming Hand Tee on DECK!

Something about this shirt just makes me wanna scream! This is a vintage logo for SANTA CRUZ (a skateboard company) which I just find amazing. Makes me wanna do some EXTREME. It's retail price ranges from $19.99-23.99 which is average for a t-shirt. Expect to see me wearing it and much more skateboard apparel soon!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Black History Month?

I never quite understood why the U.S. picks one month to recognize a race that has done great things for this country. I mean I think it's good that there's a such thing as BLACK HISTORY MONTH, but to me in all honesty it's just another month. The shortest month of the year to be exact. I'll recognize black people 24/7/365 days a year. *waits for people to assume I'm a self-racist*


Ludacris' Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits (Skit) - Ludacris

This should be a real album. Big-ups to G$ for showing me this funny ass skit!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Congratulations Santonio Holmes!

A great finish to a great game. Oh btw FAIL to the three Cardinals DBs who made no attempts to stop the MVP from scoring in the corner of the endzone.


The Bond Between Man And His Zune...