You probably thinking "What in the world is this?" Well let me explain to you, my children. This is a sign posted in numerous parts of the stockroom of TARGET. Still lost? Okay let's go back a little bit to yesterday afternoon. My good friend Gerald "G-Monkey" Rawlins had to come to the stockroom to get some empty cardboard boxes. However he was reminded by the manager that he could not go into the baler (a machine that crushes cardboard) since he was still a minor. So me being the good friend that I am and also the fact that I was bored outta my mind, I went back there with him to help retrieve the cardboard. As I reached in and began grabbing some cardboard, I could help but notice a sign that read:
'Minors under 18 years of age may NOT operate or otherwise interact with this machine.' When I saw that I couldn't help but laugh, I mean seriously WTF? That sign was poorly written. Maybe TARGET thinks most of their team members are inbreds and had to make a sign that specific. If I could re-edit that sign it would read...
'Minors may NOT operate this machine'Plain and simple. I mean what do they mean by operate or otherwise interact with this machine? Don't take a dump inside of it? Don't have sexually relations inside of it? Don't look at the baler, wait don't even think about the baler??? I seriously would like to know how can one interact with the machine other than by operating it? The world may never know...but have no fear, Mr. Rawlins! You'll be able to operate that machine to your heart's content on July 21 aka my three year anniversary with the devil!
That would make to sense, you do realize this sign was in Target which means logic is thrown out the window.
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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