Saturday, January 31, 2009

LOL @ Stans

Check this blog out and then look at the comments...SMH!

It's the year 2009 and stans still seem to exist. This has been brought to my attention recently because of Charles Hamilton's blog and World Star. Chicago native, Rhymefest recently released a diss track targeted at Charles. Now Hamilton posted a blog asking his fans aka stans to decide if he should respond back or not. The comments are unfreakin' believable. A lot of bloggers/vistors were saying that Rhymefest is wack and he's old and washed up. CH would tear him a new one. Now first off, why would CH respond to SB but not a worthy opponent like Fest? Kinda messed up...and then his stans are crazy for thinking Hamilton would destroy Rhymefest. Now don't get me wrong Hamilton is definitely one of my favs, but I got respect for Fest too. I don't know who would win but I think it would be a close match-up between the two. I hope this doesn't turn into a beef or anything. Let it just be a battle, especially since that's what is essential to hip-hop.


Wolf: Can't Let You Do That, Star Fox. (Brawler #2)

What's the matter? Scared? You should be because the BIG BAD WOLF O' DONNELL is coming as my second favorite BRAWL character. When you fuse Fox's agility with Falco's strength you get Wolf. He's definitely a complete package for a player like me. The only thing he's lacking is speed, even though he's very agile for his size. Now some pros of him consist of his amazing ability to reflect projectiles and his raw strength. Three fully charged attacks from Wolf will send your damage into the 90s. Now as usual for every positive, there's definitely a negative. The bad thing about Wolf is his attacks take too long sometimes. Also a negative thing about Mr. O' Donnell is his Final Smash. Out of all the Landmaster Tanks, his is definitely the strongest but it only last for about 10 secs versus Fox and Falco which last nearly 25 seconds. If you can get through those cons and get use to the pros, master them and you're a powerhouse. So if Lucario, Peach, Wario and Wolf aren't my number one BRAWLER, would could it be?


The Deadline's Almost Here!

If I was a female then my name would be Misako Kurata. This is one of the main characters from the anime known as Kodocha. She's a world famous writer but is known for missing her deadlines for her manuscripts. That's how I'm feeling right now. I've been telling my readers on that I was releasing a TRIPLE HEADER between the mid of January to early Feburary. In all honestly I haven't touched 2 of the 3 stories eversince last November. I'm not giving up on and writing, because I love doing this. I just don't have that much time but I can say this update is seriously coming soon. Out the 3 fics, only one I would consider active and is about 85% of the latest chapter is complete, while the other two are pending. I MIGHT BE DOWN, BUT NOT OUT!


P.S.- Yes that's a living chipmunk on top of her head.

Friday, January 30, 2009

This Is Why I Love Tenchi Universe

Funny moments from Episodes 1-3

Another great recommendation especially for anime fans. This show has comedy, romance and action...ENJOY!


V8 Love Engine

Our love is like a engine, full of power
After 15 months our love still blossoms like a flower
The further we get, the more we push on the accelerator
Can't push too hard, don 't want overheat the radiator
To cool our tempers down, we need some anti-freeze
Using that fluid makes us gets through troubles with no breeze
We twist and we turn, hitting every corner with precise
The way our love flows is just too nice
Even though sometimes we get a flat tire
Nothing, not a nail or tack will ever stop my desire
All we've got to do is keep our heads up and use a jack
And then good as new, our love is back!

That was my first poem in basically fifteen months. I feel a little rusty still but I have to big-up, Mr. G. Rawlins for inspiring me to make a poem. Last but not least I'd also like to thank my lover, Broudicca for inspiring me to write this because my love for her is too strong for words sometimes.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

So The Teachers Asks "What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up, TRIGGER MIKE?"

And back in elementary school I would say I wanna be a cartoonist. I love art, even still to this day but back from age 8-16 I was on my drawing game. I started off by recording episodes of my favorite cartoons such as: Dexter's Lab, Cow and Chicken, Rocko's Modern Life and The Powerpuff Girls. Then I would pause on a particular scene or character and just let my arm do its magic. After copying my favorite characters I then decided it was time to create my own brand. It was about 1999, when I was age 11 when I started creating original characters. Around this time I also began having a weird fascination with numbers. So now I'm slowly converting myself to mathematics. However my drawing arm still proved that I was made to be an artist of some sort. Now let's fast forward to freshman year of HS. This was definitely a pivot in my career decision. I entered two drawing classes and released how much I sucked at drawing. I mean drawing cartoons isn't that hard, but real people? Real objects? That was out of my league and left me ashamed of my skill. Then I remembered my love for numbers and decided now it was time for math to rule me. Accounting, to be exact. I took Accounting I in 10th grade and loved it. Why? Because I love $$$! But once again something made me realize that math wasn't my forte either. It starts with a G and ends with a eometry. Now I know that Geo has nothing to do with accounting but it pissed me off so much I just pushed it out the door. So now I'm sitting here in 11th grade thinking...'What the hell can I make a career out of?' I thought of all the great things I can do and then I had some flashbacks of English 7 and 8. We had to write some creative stories and I've been told like the biggest imagination this side of the Mississippi. So, writing these were a breeze and then some. Also during that time I stumbled across one of my favorite websites of all-time: I started off by reading little stories about some of my favorite cartoons and video games. Now let's come back to the point in my life when I gave up on Accounting and drawing. I remembered that writing was always a cool way to escape reality and vent your feelings. So my once infamous drawing arm became my writing arm. After writing some average stories on and turning in numerous works for English, things started to look dim due to poor responses. I was told my work was too plain. This however only motivated me to find my mistakes and turn them into greatness. After studying work from various sources, I made possible one of the greatest stories I ever wrote in 2007 called The Life and Times of Wuncler High School. Even though a bulk of the characters didn't belong to me since it was story about The Boondocks, I still made a pretty original plotline and if I changed the names it would have been completely mine. It was then and there I decided my passion was writing. I do it to escape from normal life, I do it because I love it. So now folks, if you didn't already know my plan is to become an author. I actually plan on writing an original story with all my own characters this summer and hopefully getting it to a publisher. If writing doesn't work for me, I guess could always become a ETL at TARGET.



Blog Conversion Rate Is Sky Rocketing

Looking back to September 2K8, I was the only active blogger out all my friends. Now here we are in 2K9 and I've successfully converted six friends. That's now six unique blogs including Shannon's that people of the Lowcountry and the whole world can read to get a daily dose of our simple yet interesting lives. Please read and comment them all. (especially mine!)


P.S.- My dreams blog should be coming out tonight or tomorrow, so be on the LOOKOUT!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Props to Pawel for showing me this...LOL!


It's A Wii, Wario! (Brawler #3)

The man that you all love to hate is my third best when it comes to BRAWL. Now there are plenty of reason I like him. First off, I love power characters and Wario is the prime example. With power comes a price though, since the big man is slow and not agile at all. I can get a couple of dodges in, but you'll hit me eventually. I see it this way though, since I'm not fast but I pack tons of strength...I can use my power to knock you out before you get a hit on me. That also means power characters require timing. If I want to unleash an charged hit, I have to time out when my foe is going to be in my range. Another reason why I love this anti-Mario so much is because of his personality. Wario is everything Mario will never be. Mario is a hero, Wario is a villain, sometimes hero. If Wario plays hero he's only in it for money. Mario is kind and caring. Wario could give a rat's ass about anyone but himself. I think that's cool...for some odd reason. The final smash that this character possesses is amazing. By using the power of the almighty garlic, Wario transforms into WARIO-MAN! So now I have power and speed, you better BEWARE...


So Close But Yet So Far Away...

Radiator: $130.00
Water Pump: $26.99
Thermostat: $6.99
4 Spark Plugs: $11.96
Having a mechanic tell you he's coming to fix your car today, but ended up having other things to do: PRICELESS

Yep, so much for having my own car back today.



Sunday, January 25, 2009

SUH-WEET! (Brawler #4)

The reigning figure of beauty for the Mushroom Kingdom is my fourth best character in SSBB. Yes, eat your hearts out...Princess Peach Toadstool. Now the real reason I like Peach is because her style is very opposite of her style and personality. She's a royal figure but yet she'll whack you with a golf club in a heartbeat. Another great attribute Peach has is the ability to float through the air. How does she do it? I don't know, but it comes in very handy in a lot of situations. Also her Parasol (up + b) also gives her the ability to glide through the air like Mary Poppins. Using that special move can also hurt an enemy as it can be used as an uppercut. Her Final Smash is very effective on small levels, but not so much on large levels. It puts you to sleep and depending on how close you are to Peach, gives you either 40% damage or 20% damage. If you are airborne and near the edge of the level, you are at a loss because most likely while Peach is showing off her ballet moves, you are falling down to wherever the fighters explode at. Now I think this is wrong, but I'm a sucker for characters with counterattacks. If you press B at the correct moment, Toad becomes Peach's human bodyshield and attacks the foe who tried to hurt his beloved princess. Peach's only downfall for me is her strength, once she's in the high 80% damage she's very ripe. (shout outs to the Rawlins Bros. for that word) Other than that she's got average speed, nice strength and her charm can kill for days.


Watch The Power Of Aura (Brawler #5)

In the next of entries I will show much appreciation to my five favorite fighters from Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Let's begin with number five...Its name is Lucario, another Pokemon added to the roster. His style is very interesting because it uses martial arts and telepathic abilities. Also, a nifty feature that comes with this blue package is as its damage increases so does his power. So when you get me into the 100% range, I'm a serious threat. Another great thing about this Pokemon is its Double Team move (down +b) because if timed correctly it serves as a counterattack. When an opponents tries to connect a blow, Lucario uses his quickness to make a split image of himself stunning his opposition. While the opposition is in a daze, the real Lucario returns a swift blow and sends the attacker to another time zone. His only downfall, well for me at least would have to be his Final Smash. It's very useless against multiple foes simply because it can only be shot in a certain direction. So if you're on my left and I'm shooting towards the right, you're safe. However if hit by the Aura beam, you're the toast w/ scrambled eggs. More blogs about my Top 5 Brawlers, coming soon.



There's just something about this song that makes me so happy on the inside and out. Every time I get pissed, I hum and try to sing this song. For those who visit my page on Myspace ( have already heard this song on there. Now I feel that I had to post the corresponding video...

Also after actually reading the lyrics to this song I noticed that this song doesn't rhyme at all, well when translated into English at least...still a good song though. I love good music! (basically all genres except for country XD)


Friday, January 23, 2009

T-1298 Has Hit An All-Time Low...

Today I was fortunate to have a day off from the hellhole, but as usual I somehow found my way inside of the store today. I went up there to return some items and speak to some co-workers/buddies. However, the joy I was expecting was replaced with sorrow and anger. Today one of the hardest working team members was fired. This man gave his blood, sweat and tears to TARGET CORPORATION and today his job was swept from right under his feet. OF course as usual the slack bosses (all of them) still have their titles. Makes me sick, now it looks like I have to watch my back at work. Make sure I don't slip up and do something to lose my job. In the mean time I'm searching high and low for a new job.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Well good morning Vietnam...

It is approximately 6:35am and I'm fully awake. Of course this wasn't my choice since I went to bed about 2am earlier this morning. I'm up right now because in order for me to have a ride to school and work later on today I need to drop my dad off to work. The only good I'm seeing out of this that once I drop him off I'm gonna get my grub on at Mickey D's. MCGRIDDLES ON DECK...HEY HEY! However the reason I have entitled this blog 'Blackin' is because of a couple of things. Number one, simple fact that I'm up this early....and the real other reason is because I was looking at my all-black Converse All-Stars and those things are off the chain, literally. They are actually ashy looking right about now. January 30, new all black shoes will be on DECK! Any recommendations?


P.S.- The McGriddle is a Bacon, Egg and Cheese.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Best Of The Hamiltonization Process

Back in 2008, Charles Hamilton released eight mixtapes in a three month radius. If you are one of those people who have found Charles to be okay or not too good, then I recommend downloading this mixtape here. It has all of the best songs from the eight mixtapes. As a fan myself, I'll have to admit it took me a while to get into him. But once I really started listening his lyrical content of certain subjects, I fell in love. (yes hetero!)

Sign Making 101

You probably thinking "What in the world is this?" Well let me explain to you, my children. This is a sign posted in numerous parts of the stockroom of TARGET. Still lost? Okay let's go back a little bit to yesterday afternoon. My good friend Gerald "G-Monkey" Rawlins had to come to the stockroom to get some empty cardboard boxes. However he was reminded by the manager that he could not go into the baler (a machine that crushes cardboard) since he was still a minor. So me being the good friend that I am and also the fact that I was bored outta my mind, I went back there with him to help retrieve the cardboard. As I reached in and began grabbing some cardboard, I could help but notice a sign that read: 'Minors under 18 years of age may NOT operate or otherwise interact with this machine.' When I saw that I couldn't help but laugh, I mean seriously WTF? That sign was poorly written. Maybe TARGET thinks most of their team members are inbreds and had to make a sign that specific. If I could re-edit that sign it would read...

'Minors may NOT operate this machine'

Plain and simple. I mean what do they mean by operate or otherwise interact with this machine? Don't take a dump inside of it? Don't have sexually relations inside of it? Don't look at the baler, wait don't even think about the baler??? I seriously would like to know how can one interact with the machine other than by operating it? The world may never know...but have no fear, Mr. Rawlins! You'll be able to operate that machine to your heart's content on July 21 aka my three year anniversary with the devil!


Beautiful Black Women Appreciation Blog Part II

Here we go again...

Aaliyah (Rest In Peace)

Toccara Jones



Christina Milian

Ki Toy Johnson

And I think this will probably be the last installment for a while. I have much better things to do than idolize beautiful black women, am I right? Oh by the way if you don't think these women are beautiful, then you need to get your eyes fixed. Nah, I'm joking...everyone has a different opinion. These are just some of my favorite ladies...of African descent.


This Might Be Late But...

Yesterday was most definitely one of the greatest days in American history. Yes, you already know...THE INAUGURATION OF BARACK H. OBAMA. Once he took that oath at 12:05pm, our forefathers words were finally proven that:



If You Havin' Car Problems, I Feel Bad For Ya, Son...

I've got 99 problems and my Chevy Cavalier is definitely one. Once again for the fourth time since I've had this automobile, it's giving me a problem. This time it's inknown by my father and myself. We have no clue why it will not start up. At first I was thinking it was the battery, especially since the battery light comes on when I turn the car on. But according to my dad he says it's not the battery. So once again looks like I'll be bumming rides/borrowing my parent's cars until we can resolve this problem known as the 2000 Chevy FAIL-valier. Oh and the reason I chose a picture of this flaming car is because the way the car sounds when I start it. Sends shivers down my spine. The end result could be this very picture...


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Damn, Who Would Have Thought...

The Arizona Cardinals have once again overcome all odds and now earned themselves a trip to Super Bowl XLIII. I definitely have to give them my respects. They beat the FALCONS, destroyed the PANTHERS and defeated the EAGLES. Who would have seriously thought that? However I also have to respect my team of course for their great comeback in the second half. Scoring 19 unanswered points, finally stepping up to the plate. But that didn't stop the CARDS from regaining the lead and holding off the EAGLES to win the NFC Championship. The Cardinals have proven themselves to be the better flock of birds this time around. Good year PHILLY, we'll be back next year.



Saturday, January 17, 2009

Beautiful Black Women Appreciation Blog Part I

Here are some pics of my favorite ladies (I still LOVE you Broudicca Fields!)

Melyssa Ford

Esther Baxter

Bria Myles

Miya Granatella (smoking is usually a turn-off but she looks so lovely with the cigar in hand)

Jaime Cloud


TM-1 Vents

As I'm sitting here in my room I can feel the electricity surging through my troubled veins. My pupils are turning blue and my hair has become blonde. Damn, that makes me sound like Dennis Rodman, huh? But in all seriousness, today I have truly lost faith in Target Store #1298. According to my management, their projected hours are based on the sales. Alright, that's cool but how can you only schudule five people to work on a Saturday morning? How can you only staff your establishment with six people to close a Friday night? Alright, so it's 2009 and the United States is going through a recession. I understand this. It's the first month of the year so business isn't really that booming. Very understandable. But if you go over your sales every freakin' day this why the hell can't you properly staff your store? Oh...because if you save those hours, if you use less money then you'll get a bonus. Greed is what makes the world go around, huh? These fatheads rather get some extra cash money than have pride in their store. I mean I can't lie, I work for money. We all do...but if you have only a small amount of team members then the store is going to fall apart. You know how many times I have guest come to me and ask me "Are you the only person working in the store?" That's embrassing, that seriously makes me ashamed to work at Target. It's okay Target Executives, just remember what goes around comes around...


Friday, January 16, 2009


This is the realest nigga I've ever heard in my life. This dude knows everything about our society and is definitely a scholar of the streets. Don't believe me? Watch these videos of him becoming like a white pigeon in New York and droppin' crap on fakes.

Aaron McGruder (creator 0f The Boondocks)

T-Pain (Part I)

David Banner (Part I)

Barack Obama (Part I)

Now that you have been acquintant with this genius, you can definitely hear more of his knowledge on Youtube.


P.S.-If you think this guy is serious, you do not know a damn thing about SATIRE.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't You Just Wanna Sing Along...

The song you are currently listening to is a very simple song. It only has two lyrics...very easy to remember. I love this song because it has literally helped me get through some rough stuff. Props to the Mighty Mos Def for making this track. Look I'll even put the lyrics up for the lame brains...

"There Is A Way"

This is a song, got two lyrics
Very simple and plain we can all sing together
Nobody has to feel left out
Join in, this is the song people need to be singing right now
When they tell you you can't, you shouldn't, you won't
Tell 'em this:

There is a way
No matter what they say [4x]

Don't give up, don't give in [8x]

[Repeated until end]

See told ya it only consists of two lyrics, still a strong song that's better than your favorite rapper's rapper's song. Nah I'm joking, but I'm really feelin' this song.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Look at that beauty right here, this is my new phone the Samsung Rant. After having to deal with my dad's old Motorola i850 Nextel phone, it feels good to have a 3G phone. Regaining an awesome phone like this again made me realize how much I love texting. With that other hunk of junk I had no texting abilities. The phone was capable but for some odd reason NEXTEL couldn't get their stuff together and troubleshoot the phone. But now I'm back with SPRINT for good! Also, fun fact...I got insurance with my phone this time, so we can drop this one down the sewer, crush it while doing the nasty or virtually anything and have it covered! Sprint has got my back like a buttcrack now!


Bathroom Rap

Sunday, January 11, 2009

2 Vids From 2 Great Artists!

J. Nolan - Soul Brother Pt. 2

Turbo T. Double- LightHeart

Unsigned artists are going to pave the golden brick road back to hip hop! Keep doin' ya things my dudes!


It's Been A While

Wow, I'm actually creating a blog post...AMAZING, ain't it? Well lots has happened since my last post on CHRISTMAS day. School starts back tomorrow which isn't exactly cool, but then it is cuz it's time for my road to adulthood to continue moving. The Philadelphia Eagles once again spanked the NY Giants and now have earned a trip to the NFC Championship Game. As I type this blog, I'm applying the finishing touches on one of my stories. I know some folks reading are probably thinking..."Oh man, Mike's life isn't too exciting!" and I totally agree! LIFE IN BLUFFTON SUCKS! Oh well, the purpose of this post is just to let you know I'm still active...oh and also I'm getting a new phone tomorrow, so I'm gonna need some digits, HOLLA!


The Bond Between Man And His Zune...