This picture belongs to Younglady, a talented artist from DeviantArt.
Here's a sneak preview of Chapter 7 of And She Gets Discouraged.
Warning: I haven't exactly proofread this yet, so bare with me if there are some errors. For a better understanding I strongly recommend you to click on the link above and read the first six chapters. Or if you're really bored then just read it anyways. Well enough jibber-jabber, ENJOY!
Chapter 7: Dial L For Love
“So why did you pull us over to the side, Huey?” Caesar questioned his best friend’s actions.
The three seniors were now inside of the busy school building, making residence against the metal lockers.
“Because I’ve got a plan to get Jazmine back.” Huey replied coolly.
“She was never yours!” the two lover birds yelled at Huey in unison.
“Ya’ll know what I mean.” Huey rolled his eyes.
“So what’s the plan?” Cindy placed her hands on hips.
“To call this number right here!” Huey quickly scrolled down the contact list of
“Oh no…
“You know good and well she won’t believe us.” Caesar said.
“Well…she won’t believe me; I think she’ll listen to one of you two.” Huey sighed. “I still find it hard she respects
“Don’t worry, once she drops that zero…” Cindy placed a hand on Huey’s shoulder. “She’ll realize how great you have and always will be to her.”
“So how does the plan work?” Caesar stroked his chin.
“According to my Aunt Cookie,
“Like she has money just to waltz down here to the Boondocks.” Cindy stated the obvious.
“She’s got a point, Big Hue.”
“Well maybe I should begin Phase One and actually see if this girl truly cares for Cairo like my aunt claims.” Huey said while he punched in the numbers from Cairo’s phone into his own.
After a couple of rings, a female voice came through the phone to greet Huey.
“Yes, is this Syria?”
“Uh huh, who wants to know?” her voice didn’t sound too happy.
“Well, I’m Huey, one of Cairo’s childhood friends-”
“Wait! Are you the nigga that blacked my booka’s eye when ya’ll was ten?” Syria’s angry tone crashed through the phone into Huey’s eardrum.
“Yes…but that has nothing to do with why I called.”
“Okay, why did you call?”
“I dunno how to say this but…your boyfriend is cheating on you.”
“I call bullshit.” Syria instantly yelled. “Cairo loves me and only me.”
“I’m not BSing you. He’s trying to get with my gir-…I mean one of my best friends.”
“See, now I know you lyin’ cuz mah baby ain’t gay! He ain’t into dick!”
“No, my best friend is a female, a female named Jazmine.” Huey corrected.
“Suuuuuuuuuure, you just mad that Cairo cracked yo nose back in the day.” Syria laughed. “Can’t you
just let it go? Like bygones be bygones and whatever…”
“You know, I was expecting you not to believe me off the bat, but I’ll call you back when I can prove to you that Cairo is a damn dirty dog!” Huey then snapped his phone shut.
He then turned his back to see Caesar and Cindy looking at him, awaiting answers. When the young revolutionary shook his head left to right, the other two let out a small sigh and proceed to their first period class.
Later on around 12 O’ Clock…
Huey, Riley, Caesar, Cindy, Jazmine and Cairo sat at a round lunch table in the jam-packed atrium. Everyone was enjoying the generic school lunch excluding Huey, who brought a salad from home. Cairo glanced over to Huey and noticed he had two salad containers, which was more than Huey could chew on in one sitting.
“Huey, why do you have two salads?” Cairo asked while taking a bite from his cheeseburger.
“Well I think Jazmine can answer that for you.” Huey smirked.
All eyes were on Jazmine who for the first time in two years had a tray of school lunch in front of her. She eyed the greasy cheeseburger and French fries and felt her heart burning already. She noticed everyone looking at her and began to blush. Deep down she wanted Huey’s salad but she knew it would upset Cairo. Plus, she has been acting shady towards all her friends and treating Huey like crap, so for her to easily drop her front like that wouldn’t be a good look. A good look towards Cairo at least.
“Huey, can’t you see I’m already eating?” Jazmine rolled her eyes.
“Drop the act; I know you hate school lunch as much Ruckus hates niggas.” Huey pushed the salad towards her.
As the tray containing Huey’s homemade salad slid towards the mulatto, her veins began to boil and her right eye twitched. Where did such a burst of rage come from?
“I DON’T WANT YOUR DAMN SALAD, OKAY?!” Jazmine yelled as she picked up the tray and threw it at Huey.
Lucky for him, he saw the tray coming and used his agility to dodge the incoming food by doing a quick back flip out of his seat.
“What the hell, Jazmine!” Huey got back into his seat and slammed his hands onto the table. “What crawled up your ass and made a nest of hate? Eversince Cairo came into the scene you’ve become a-”
Huey stopped as he realized what he was about to say.
“Become a what?” Jazmine taunted. “What have I become?”
“A bitch.” Huey said and dismissed himself from the table.
When the words escaped Huey’s mouth, Jazmine instantly felt her world scatter. All these years of being with Huey and despite being teased, insulted, treated unfairly, tricked, you name it and Huey has done it. She never thought he’d called her that, but then again she deep down couldn’t blame him, it’s what she’s becoming. A single tear released itself from her tear duct, following by another one. The whole table was shocked by the scene between the two former best friends. Cairo, however noticed the tears and instantly felt his heart become engulfed in rage.
“Huey turned yo ass back around now!” Cairo yelled hopping out of his seat.
The afro headed teenager then paused from his spot and turned around to face his enemy. Cairo stormed over to Huey with his fist balled and his head down.
“How dare you insult MY girlfriend like that.” Cairo growled.
“Your girlfriend?” Huey asked in shock. ‘Wait a second! That’s it! If I get him to say that one more time…I’ll record it on my phone!’
“Yes, Jazmine Dubois is my girlfriend now and not yours!” Cairo cackled.
Huey grinned as he fiddled with his phone in his pocket. He had recorded what Cairo just said. Accomplishing his mission, he simply waved to Cairo and turned back around to exit the area.
“Don’t turn you back on me, nigga!” Cairo then snatched a tray out of a random student and tossed it at full speed towards Huey.
Huey sensed the item flying towards him and simply blocked with his right hand while still facing backwards.
“Bastard.” Cairo muttered and went back to the table.
“I-I can’t believe he c-c-called me a b-b-b-bitch!” Jazmine cried into Cindy’s shoulder.
“Me either, I’m sorry. But you know he had his reasons.” Cindy rubbed her best friend’s back. “You’ve really been treatin’ him like dirt.”
“And you don’t think he deserved a taste of his own medicine?” Jazmine’s words sound muffled due to her head being dug into Cindy’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him.” Cairo then pulled Jazmine off of Cindy and embraced the mulatto into a deep hug. “Fuck him, he doesn’t know how to treat a woman the right way.”
“Okay.” she said softly, enjoying the warmth of Cairo’s body.
Cindy sighed as she saw the sight; however her love interest, Caesar definitely didn’t like the sight one bit.
The rest of the chapter shall be published within 3/6 til 3/8.
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