Not really, but dead ass I've got a good amount of fans. Well at least according some statistics I'm bringing up from As of today I have total of 702 hits for the month of March with 318 of those being from visitors. That's simply amazing. These hits don't just come from the United States either, they come Canada, Mexico, UK, France, Bahamas, Trinidad, Germany, Brazil, South Africa and the list goes on but that's just cool to know that someone in another hemisphere, another timezone, a person from another culture is checkin me out. Another great thing about all of this too is that a story that I finished about 2 years ago is still getting plenty hits. I feel now is the perfect time for me to expand this fanbase, expand my horizions, give my brain a challenge. I'm ready to create an account on and create my own ORIGINAL story. Stay tuned!
Today I decided to add yet another alias, nickname and personality to Michael Loftin. Most of you know me as TRIGGER MIKE, TM-1, ModernDayMarvel, Magic Mike, Mighty M and the damn list goes on but today after listening to a certain CH track all day. *points at song on blog* I've decided to become Ronald McDonald. Why? Why that silly mascot from Mickey D's? Well if you know Mr. McDonald like the rest of the world then you know he has magic abilities. At work most of the executives there call me Magic Mike and that's cool. But Ronald McDonald just has like a nice ring to it. I'm weird, yes I know this but I feel that I can make magic in more ways than one. Just ask my But seriously today I was given the ultimate task of holding down more than half of the sales floor. I handled it pretty damn well for one man. Out of the 10+ call boxes that went off I only missed one and that was because I was literally pinned down in ELECTRONICS. I also work magic with my great guest service skills. I can talk a guest into buying extra stuff or if we are out of stock on a item, I can offer the next big thing. It is always NOT that easy especially with OLD RICH PEOPLE. A couple came into town and wanted some patio stuff that we were out of. To make a long story short, the lady ended up calling me and a co-worker disgraceful. WTF? I MEAN DISGRACEFUL? I've been called plenty of things, but disgraceful is definitely a milestone. It was funny though, I was LMAO in my head. My inner Ronald McDonald couldn't save me that time. Oh well...I'm off to begin typing Chapter 8 of And She Gets Discouraged. Next blog will be coming sooner than you think.
This one will be about my Top 5 videogames of all-time in order: (kudos to Lazer77 for the idea)
5) Marvel vs. Capcom 2
The greatest fighting game of all time. Nuff said.
4)Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Even though I played the first one a couple of times prior to the release of part 2. I instantly fell in love with the controls, the graphics, the gameplay and especially the soundtrack. This was definitely the first of many great TH games to follow.
3) Conker's Bad Fur Day
What do you get when you mix a red squirrel who just turned twenty-one and a pint of beer? Conker's Bad Fur Day! This game follows a red squirrel named Conker who is simply trying to find his way home after getting hammered the previous night before. This game was pure badass for a couple of reasons. Movie references were just on point. As soon as they would parody a scene you'd know what movie it was from. Another great thing was the gameplay, because not only did it serve as a platformer, certain levels turned it into a third-person shooter. Last thing was the graphics, I mean this game came out in 2001 and it actually rivaled some earlier PS2 games with its smooth colorful visuals. Definitely the final gem of the N64 era.
2) Super Mario Bros 3
This was a hard choice, it was either this or Super Mario World, but I've chosen this one because it had the coolest versus mode ever. Also, great levels, way past cool power-ups and it was actually more challenging than SMW. Trust me I love Super Mario World to death, but this one is a tad bit more classic. Just by a little bit.
1)Twisted Metal 2
Whoa, suprise suprise, eh? Yes this is seriously my favorite game of all-time. I've spent nights until the sun rised playing this bad boy. Back in 1996, this was my joint. Too bad I don't have a PSone or PS2 and a copy of the game to play. But this was the first game I truly mastered. This was one of the first games that also gave me NIGHTMARES. The storyline is twisted. No pun intended.
Now originally I was going to create a short story based off one of my favorite scenarios between two Nintendo princesses, but at this point and time I don't have enough free time to perfect this brainstorm. That will be postponed until further notice, however thanks to a certain friend/blogger of mine I now have the perfect idea for my 250th blog post. I also learned recently that it's good to have a lot of friends, but you've got to keep the ones that are beneficial to you really close. These wise words were given to me by one of my best friends, Brandon Frazier. So after yesterday I realize now that I truly only have a handful of good friends, a decent amount of friends then everyone else is either acquaintances or enemies. Well scratch that, I might be an enemy to them but I don't hate anyone, I have no grudges against anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Well that's Post #200 rollin' on 24s. I'm OUTTY 5000!
I couldn't get a decent amount of sleep at all last night! Which isn't going to be easy since I'm about to do a nine and a half-hour work shift @ my favorite retailer in the whole wide world! But it's all good, being that I'm only 20 and I had some good time during Saturday to recharge. I should be able to make it til 1:30pm. Think positive, TM-1. In other news, finally after nearly three months of waiting the DEERHAUNTER has been picked up and now taken to GA to fixed by one of my dad's friend's for FREE. Hopefully she'll be ready by Wednesday. Let's keep our fingers crossed!!!
Yep, had to switch it up a little bit. Lately my songs have been hip-hop, because that's my favorite genre of music. However, that is not the only music I fancy. I actually like all genres except for country. I just can't stand it for some odd I'd rather listen to classical before I listen to country. But the song that you're listening to, or maybe you paused it is called "Daijo-Bu!" and it's an ending song for the anime Kodocha. Even though I have no idea what the hell she's singing besides when I'm watching the outro since they have the lyrics translated at the bottom, I just love the feel to the song. Makes me happy. Happy is good. Good is happy. Don't wanna be upset, because that's NO good. Speaking of upset, for the first time in a HOT minute, I actually had two successful days at work. No problems, actually enjoyed myself. If you've been keeping up, you already know what happened on Weds, but the goodness continued yesterday. The managers didn't bother me, so I felt like I wasn't being babysitted, which actually makes me work better. I saw a bunch of faces I haven't seen in a long time. (Shout outs to K.C. and Angela!) As usual gave great service and pretty much did my thing. Whatever you think my thing is...but let's cut this short. Tonight is my last night of the AMAZING 4 CLOSING SHIFTS IN A ROW BONANZA and then I'm rewarded with a day off tomorrow. I think its gonna go smooth. Shouldn't be too much business because people are more concerned with going to River Street in Savannah.
I just turned my sabotaged phone on and it works! WTF?! Right now it is in the process of charging, but its still too late. My new phone will be here either this afternoon, maybe tomorrow but definitely by Monday. Oh and this is actually Post #195 and as promised, I told you guys I would give you a slight hint on what Post #200 is gonna be about. Let's just say it will be a story about two certain characters that duke it out to see whose kingdom is better...and I actually take that back about my phone. It's still ruined, like it turned on for a min, then went haywire and shut its self back down. R.I.P. Samsung Rant, I'll make sure to take better care of Samsung Rant Jr.
Man, I'm just too careless with cell phones. Once again I have destroyed yet another cell phone, this time by dropping it into the washing machine. Luckily this time I have insurance on my phone, so SPRINT covered my ass. So it's like I'm sad, mad but yet happy that my new replacement will be coming in the mail either tomorrow or Monday. So this means no texting, phone calls or anything until further notice. If you really need to HOLLA call me @717-4683. If you really know me, you know the area code...or you live in my area.
For the first time in nearly seventeen months, I actually admired the beauty of another girl. That doesn't mean I'm gay either, it just means when you have a gf sometimes the beauty of another woman seems to be blocked out by the beauty of your loved one. Yesterday, was just a different story. I was simply zoning department F (Toys) and at first I saw her from a distance, like everything else faded from the picture except her. However, I was thinking she was going to another section of the store. With that in my head, I resumed rebuilding the destroyed TOYS department. Then I heard her ask me "Do you work in this area?" I looked up and here was a light skinned girl around my age. The skin tone was just delicious. I mean I love dark chocolate but I'm down with mocha as well. Anyways, to make this story short and not too long she needed help finding some golf clubs and a bike. Obviously she called earlier that day because she told me someone (me) had put some golf clubs on hold for her. I told her it was me and they were up front. She asked me how much they were and I told her $199.99 but there are also some children's ones for $89.99. She asked me if it really made a difference and I was honest with her and I told I didn't really think so, but the $199 comes with more clubs. She then wanted to know which balls (not mine) were the cheapest. I showed her some for $6.99 and she was like "Damn, I'm already payin' $200 for some clubs, they need to come with some balls." I laughed with her and agreed. I mean that really is the least they could offer. But the reason these clubs were that much is because they were PINK for breast cancer. Then she told me that a while back when she came to the store, there was a blue bike that was $55. At first I was thinking WTF? But since she seemed nice and deserved my service, I did some investaging to find this bike. Now me and her finally spotted the bike all the way on the top rack. Too high for me to scan or retrieve, so now I had to get the WAVE (a machine that is used to get items from tall places) So after getting the machine I go up and scan the bike and boy was this chica lucky. The bike was only $19.98! That's a clearance price...but honestly the bike was technically salvage. Salvage means it has been purged out of the system and is suppose to be shipped off to either be damaged or donated to a charity. But since she was so nice and patience with me, I told her the price and she happily accepted it. That put a smile on her face. After that I escorted up front with the bike to make sure they honored her the $19.98 price but on the register it was going to ring up $0.00 and she ain't gettin' it for free now. LOL, but as I walked up front with her, every glance I took at her she had like the biggest smile on her face. I'm assuming the smile was either because: A) I gave great guest service. B) She thought I was cute C) I gave her a good ass deal D)All of the above. I'm seriously leaning towards D) but that's just my ego speaking. The main reason I didn't shoot my Scorpion Spear at her is because I'm still in a relationship. I was proving my loyalty. But I just want everyone to know this: Just because you've chose your meal, doesn't mean you can't continue to look at the menu. GOOD NIGHT.
On Thursday, Terrell Owens was released from the Dallas Cowboys. Apparently Jerry Jones didn't think T.O. was doing enough to please him. Honestly, if Romo chokes the big one again next season, his ass needs to be voted off the island next. The Buffalo Bills saw an ad in the paper feauturing T.O. and have now bailed him out of the free agency pool. Goodbye hot ball sweat dripping weather, hello freezing my balls off style weather. The 2009 season is definitely going to be a doozy!
Sagat is definitely in my Top 5 favorite Street Fighter characters and this is one of signature moves, the Tiger Knee. Looks pretty damn painful doesn't it, Ryu? Yep that's a move I just might have to perform if someone pisses me off on the J.O.B. For some odd reason I've got this feeling work either gonna be a hit or miss. Let's just hope for my sake, it is a HIT. Daylight Savings Time sucks. Tonight I'll lose a hour of sleep. Less sleep = Grumpy Ass Niggga Named TM-1. We are getting close to blog post #200. I promise ya you'll like it. Well I know I'm going to LOVE it. I'm gonna LOVE writing it. Post #195 will give you a hint on what Post #200 is going to be about. Until tomorrow...good night/morning WORLD.
I've got an excellent idea for my 200th post, it's gonna be EPIC. Right now let's stay in the present though. Just woke up like an hour ago, good stuff. Feels good to FINALLY sleep in! I usually do that on Fridays but yesterday I had to work, which was interesting until the end of my shift. Scheduled to get off at 4PM, didn't clock out until 4:24PM. Why? I really don't want to get into it. All I have to say is that TARGET needs to learn that the world does NOT revolve around them. Okay, let's get back to present AGAIN. Right now I am applying the final touches to Dial L For Love and listening to music via XBOX 360. After I'm complete with these tasks I'm going to play some Mercenaries 2 and then the rest of day is whatever. Not really prepared for tonight since time is going FORWARD. But that's life. When life gives you lemons...JUST SHUT UP AND SMILE
This is an insider, but one Thursday a while back me and my boys was playing XBOX LIVE. My homeboy, Brandon was singing a bunch of random songs, then next thing you know we all started songs. The most memorable moment has got to be when we sung Crossroads by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony. I know someone who actually has the audio clip of that priceless moment. As soon as I find a way to obtain it and upload it to a site, you guys will get to hear our beautiful harmonic vocals pour into your eardrum. Well it's 1:08am and I've got work @ 8am so I will see you guys on the flipside!
Last night was definitely a good night for yours truly. I got to see two of my really good friends, Ebony and Fatima [B&G ALL DAY EVERYDAY]. Got to eat some wings! Hung out with my brothers from different mothers. Xavier, Terry and G$ I see ya'll! *points through the computer screen* We also had special guest appearances by Danielle and Kara, two friends from my high school. Now where does the blog title come from? Really simple, if you ever go to Wild Wings on Wednesday, then you already know they have trivia. Our team, Team Dolla Menu (because we are obsessed with McDonald's) was sweeping the competition under the mat of failure and these drunk ass mofos sitting next to us came over to our table to check out our answers. So we told him to stop cheating off of us and then this fool says "We're cheating because we're using phones" Now I ain't gonna lie I was using my phone, but I was texting my girlfriend, not getting answers to the questions. So in the final round, the drunks changed their team name to We Would Be Winning Too If We Had One Redskin And Four iPhones, or something like that. I don't remember but you get the picture. I had to laugh my arse off on that one, I mean there's no need to get GREEN. I suggest they change our team name to If I Was Drunk Then I'd Probably Be Losing, but it got shafted. Well other than that, I think this blog post is over. More blogs coming soon!!!
One of my favorite skits of all-time from Family Guy. This song is so funny (Peter's version) I actually own the mp3, sad huh? But the cool thing about this is that Charles Hamilton (my favorite freshman rapper) actually sampled and made a song called C Food. Which is about but still a nice ass song.
Warning: I haven't exactly proofread this yet, so bare with me if there are some errors. For a better understanding I strongly recommend you to click on the link above and read the first six chapters. Or if you're really bored then just read it anyways. Well enough jibber-jabber, ENJOY!
“So why did you pull us over to the side, Huey?” Caesar questioned his best friend’s actions.
The three seniors were now inside of the busy school building, making residence against the metal lockers.
“Because I’ve got a plan to get Jazmine back.” Huey replied coolly.
“She was never yours!” the two lover birds yelled at Huey in unison.
“Ya’ll know what I mean.” Huey rolled his eyes.
“So what’s the plan?” Cindy placed her hands on hips.
“To call this number right here!” Huey quickly scrolled down the contact list of Cairo’s cell phone. Once he highlighted the name Syria, Cindy and Caesar gasped. “Yep, this is Cairo’s girlfriend in Chicago.”
“Oh no…Cairo is playin’ mah bestie.” Cindy frowned. “We’ve got to tell her!”
“You know good and well she won’t believe us.” Caesar said.
“Well…she won’t believe me; I think she’ll listen to one of you two.” Huey sighed. “I still find it hard she respects Cairo more than me now.”
“Don’t worry, once she drops that zero…” Cindy placed a hand on Huey’s shoulder. “She’ll realize how great you have and always will be to her.”
“So how does the plan work?” Caesar stroked his chin.
“According to my Aunt Cookie, Syria really cares about Cairo a lot. So I figured if I called her and told what was happening, she’d be so upset that she would actually come to Woodcrest and confront Cairo, in front of Jazmine.” Huey grinned.
“Like she has money just to waltz down here to the Boondocks.” Cindy stated the obvious.
“She’s got a point, Big Hue.”
“Well maybe I should begin Phase One and actually see if this girl truly cares for Cairo like my aunt claims.” Huey said while he punched in the numbers from Cairo’s phone into his own.
After a couple of rings, a female voice came through the phone to greet Huey.
“Yes, is this Syria?”
“Uh huh, who wants to know?” her voice didn’t sound too happy.
“Well, I’m Huey, one of Cairo’s childhood friends-”
“Wait! Are you the nigga that blacked my booka’s eye when ya’ll was ten?” Syria’s angry tone crashed through the phone into Huey’s eardrum.
“Yes…but that has nothing to do with why I called.”
“Okay, why did you call?”
“I dunno how to say this but…your boyfriend is cheating on you.”
“I call bullshit.” Syria instantly yelled. “Cairo loves me and only me.”
“I’m not BSing you. He’s trying to get with my gir-…I mean one of my best friends.”
“See, now I know you lyin’ cuz mah baby ain’t gay! He ain’t into dick!”
“No, my best friend is a female, a female named Jazmine.” Huey corrected.
“Suuuuuuuuuure, you just mad that Cairo cracked yo nose back in the day.” Syria laughed. “Can’t you
just let it go? Like bygones be bygones and whatever…”
“You know, I was expecting you not to believe me off the bat, but I’ll call you back when I can prove to you that Cairo is a damn dirty dog!” Huey then snapped his phone shut.
He then turned his back to see Caesar and Cindy looking at him, awaiting answers. When the young revolutionary shook his head left to right, the other two let out a small sigh and proceed to their first period class.
Later on around 12 O’ Clock…
Huey, Riley, Caesar, Cindy, Jazmine and Cairo sat at a round lunch table in the jam-packed atrium. Everyone was enjoying the generic school lunch excluding Huey, who brought a salad from home. Cairo glanced over to Huey and noticed he had two salad containers, which was more than Huey could chew on in one sitting.
“Huey, why do you have two salads?” Cairo asked while taking a bite from his cheeseburger.
“Well I think Jazmine can answer that for you.” Huey smirked.
All eyes were on Jazmine who for the first time in two years had a tray of school lunch in front of her. She eyed the greasy cheeseburger and French fries and felt her heart burning already. She noticed everyone looking at her and began to blush. Deep down she wanted Huey’s salad but she knew it would upset Cairo. Plus, she has been acting shady towards all her friends and treating Huey like crap, so for her to easily drop her front like that wouldn’t be a good look. A good look towards Cairo at least.
“Huey, can’t you see I’m already eating?” Jazmine rolled her eyes.
“Drop the act; I know you hate school lunch as much Ruckus hates niggas.” Huey pushed the salad towards her.
As the tray containing Huey’s homemade salad slid towards the mulatto, her veins began to boil and her right eye twitched. Where did such a burst of rage come from?
“I DON’T WANT YOUR DAMN SALAD, OKAY?!” Jazmine yelled as she picked up the tray and threw it at Huey.
Lucky for him, he saw the tray coming and used his agility to dodge the incoming food by doing a quick back flip out of his seat.
“What the hell, Jazmine!” Huey got back into his seat and slammed his hands onto the table. “What crawled up your ass and made a nest of hate? Eversince Cairo came into the scene you’ve become a-”
Huey stopped as he realized what he was about to say.
“Become a what?” Jazmine taunted. “What have I become?”
“A bitch.” Huey said and dismissed himself from the table.
When the words escaped Huey’s mouth, Jazmine instantly felt her world scatter. All these years of being with Huey and despite being teased, insulted, treated unfairly, tricked, you name it and Huey has done it. She never thought he’d called her that, but then again she deep down couldn’t blame him, it’s what she’s becoming. A single tear released itself from her tear duct, following by another one. The whole table was shocked by the scene between the two former best friends. Cairo, however noticed the tears and instantly felt his heart become engulfed in rage.
“Huey turned yo ass back around now!” Cairo yelled hopping out of his seat.
The afro headed teenager then paused from his spot and turned around to face his enemy. Cairo stormed over to Huey with his fist balled and his head down.
“How dare you insult MY girlfriend like that.” Cairo growled.
“Your girlfriend?” Huey asked in shock. ‘Wait a second! That’s it! If I get him to say that one more time…I’ll record it on my phone!’
“Yes, Jazmine Dubois is my girlfriend now and not yours!” Cairo cackled.
Huey grinned as he fiddled with his phone in his pocket. He had recorded what Cairo just said. Accomplishing his mission, he simply waved to Cairo and turned back around to exit the area.
“Don’t turn you back on me, nigga!” Cairo then snatched a tray out of a random student and tossed it at full speed towards Huey.
Huey sensed the item flying towards him and simply blocked with his right hand while still facing backwards.
“Bastard.” Cairo muttered and went back to the table.
“I-I can’t believe he c-c-called me a b-b-b-bitch!” Jazmine cried into Cindy’s shoulder.
“Me either, I’m sorry. But you know he had his reasons.” Cindy rubbed her best friend’s back. “You’ve really been treatin’ him like dirt.”
“And you don’t think he deserved a taste of his own medicine?” Jazmine’s words sound muffled due to her head being dug into Cindy’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry about him.” Cairo then pulled Jazmine off of Cindy and embraced the mulatto into a deep hug. “Fuck him, he doesn’t know how to treat a woman the right way.”
“Okay.” she said softly, enjoying the warmth of Cairo’s body.
Cindy sighed as she saw the sight; however her love interest, Caesar definitely didn’t like the sight one bit.
Salutations party people! The name is TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT, but you can simply call me Mike. I was born December 11th, 1988 and was blessed with the opportunity in 1992 to move to the beautiful Brooklyn, New York. From there, I spent the majority of my childhood growing up there. Then in 2000, I moved about 30 miles east of Brooklyn, to a little town located in Long Island known as Elmont. Then 2 years later I finally arrived to possibly the wackest place on earth...BLUFFTON, SOUTH CAROLINA! But I wont lie I've made some of the best friends in this one-horse well that's all you really need to know about me right about now...if you wanna know anything else, hit me up @ where you can send me a message on here. Peace with chicken grease from the MIDDLE EAST.
Hey whats good?? Its been forever since I wrote a blog LOL sooo here I am,
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.:Wish List::.
Casio G-Shock Collabo.
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