My car, a 2000 Chevy Cavalier is being very difficult with me right now. It only starts when it pleases. So thanks to that I was stranded out somewhere in Hardeeville, South Carolina on Sunday night. It worked fine yesterday, but today once again it won't start. It's not the battery either, it's the starter for the car. Looks like I'll be spending $50+ to get a new now I have to catch a ride to work with a good friend of mine. That friend (monkey) would be G$ aka G-Baby aka G-Dolla aka Gerald Rawlins. Good guy for giving me a lift. It's too bad he can't give me a ride back home since I get off at 11 and he gets off at 9:45. It's all good though because my parents love me and said they would leave one of their cars at TARGET once they both get off around 6PM. Hopefully my car will be back at 100% tomorrow. Right now I'd say it's 50% because I just recently tried to start it and it worked fine, but I refuse to take a risk and either drive it to work and then tonight watch it fail or let G$ leave me behind and at 3:30 try to get in it and it fail. So better safe than sorry...right? Oh, and Wario Land: Shake it! is out today...damn I wish I was a millionaire so I could cop it. Right now, I've got about $170 in my checking account but I can't afford to waste $50 on something I won't give my full attention to. Right now, I'm pretty much focusing on school, XBOX360 and writing fanfiction.
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