"Every life is good, man. This doesn't make life. It's a lifestyle. It's a style of life. Style is what you are, but everybody has life. And everybody's life should be good. Some of the happiness people in the world have nothing. Nothing. And they find happiness in being in the world. They wear the world with a smile. I feel bad for all the people standing in line with all that shit on and they not smiling. And somebody walks past who knows nothing about it with a smile on his face got the freshest shit on in the world." ~Lupe Fiasco
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
You Can't Hang Onto The Past...
This is the one thing that I will never understand about mankind. Why do certain people see another person by color? Perfect example was today at my job. I spent nearly an hour helping a guest, an old black man select a television. Just as I was pratically finished serving him, another guest, a white woman asks a question. I quickly answer the question and then revert my attention to the black guy. He instantly gets gassed and begins to tell me stories about how black workers are always serving the white people because they'll file a complaint to get me fired. He says they always expect to be serviced first. FIRST OFF, I SPEND NEARLY AN HOUR WITH HIM AND I SIMPLY ANSWER A QUESTION AND HE ACTED LIKE A COMPLETELY BLEW HIM OFF. Second off, this is not old times. I mean don't get me wrong, racism is still alive and kickin' but it isn't as mainstream as it was back in the day. He just kept talking all this crazy stuff about white people that just made me sick to my stomach. Don't blame a whole race for something a couple of people did.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Are You Ready?
Bow to the masters, Gerald R. and Michael L. We are the rebels of T-1298. We joke around and try to cause mischief in a professional way while working. From making random sounds over our walkie-talkies to cracking subliminal jokes on the executives, we are D-GENERATION X.
Forever Young

"Lineage, social status, why should these things matter so much? That's how grown-ups are. If that's so, I'd be happier being a child, never ever growing up." ~Washu Habuki, Tenchi Muyo.
This sentence is so on point. Why do we live in a world where everyone is broken down into a class? We all have the same liquid flowing through our veins. Despite the fact we all don't have the same morals, we are still human beings created to interact with each other. Positives and negatives flowing around a huge sphere. At least as a kid, you're only expected to do and know so much. At a young age, you're pretty much learning the ropes of the game called LIFE. However, as you get older the more complicated things get. Especially social status, which is usually established from the late elementary years and middle school years. The point it reaches its climax though is HIGH SCHOOL. This is when you're put into those unnecessary categories. But it doesn't stop there, social status also goes beyond that. If we could all get along and not have differences then we'd be at WORLD PEACE now. But since there is a lineage on God's green Earth and social status isn't stable, we are at fault. But to sum this blog up, I agree with 100% with the quote. Simply because as a child, you have not a worry in the world but once you hit that adulthood, you get suck into the culture. Okay...I'm done for the night. I've got work at 8AM...GOODNIGHT WORLD!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Time Is Too Expensive...
This will be a very brief entry since I only have like 5 minutes to do this. Well for starters, a starter for my car will cost at least $149.99. Yep, a nice hole in my wallet, indeed. However, instead of paying GOOD YEAR three benjamins, I decided to find someone on the side to install it for me. He happens to be a good friend/co-worker of mine. So big-ups to him...also big-ups once again to that monkey, Gerald Rawlins. He's gonna hook me up with a ride to my favorite place of employment very shortly. Last but not least, Broudicca and I have once again became one and ended the hiatus, just as I predicted. I knew as soon as we connected eyes, the love that overwhelms our body, mind and souls would reunite us. Well that's all for now...MORE TONIGHT!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mihoshi K. talks about anime.
This is so true about anime that hasn't been dubbed. Sometimes I'll admit the american voice actors do a horrible job dubbing the voicing and I prefer to read the subs, but it's like I want to watch the show, not watch the bottom of the screen. I just found this funny because it contained everyone's favorite dumb black blonde. (Well hopefully she's just really tan...)
This is a very underrated N*E*R*D song. I definitely can relate to this song because I KNOW I'm a PROVIDER for multiple people.
Oh and why the hell does Pharrell have his shirt off in almost every music video he's in? I guess girls love that BIRD CHEST. He's reppin' for dudes like me who also share a similar physique.
Oh and why the hell does Pharrell have his shirt off in almost every music video he's in? I guess girls love that BIRD CHEST. He's reppin' for dudes like me who also share a similar physique.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Peace on Earth
Confucius says:
"Man who makes love on ground has peace on earth."
Get it? PEACE (piece) on earth (ground)? I wonder if he really did say that...
"Man who makes love on ground has peace on earth."
Get it? PEACE (piece) on earth (ground)? I wonder if he really did say that...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
There comes a time in a romantic relationship where things just seem impossible. It's like you get far up the ladder of perfection and then you slip on the last step and fall back down. This has happened to me and Broudicca too many times. Right now, her life isn't all full of glitter and gold. She's going through a lot and she's really hurting. Lately I've been giving her unintentional pain by not completely being there for her. She's also been giving me some pain by sometimes taking her anger out on me. We are both in the wrong right about now and we're tired of saying things to hurt the other. Last night we talked about our ups and downs, our pros and cons and realized that we have so much love for each other. Our love is everlasting, we can hate each others guts but we still love each other to death. I don't want to lose her...especially after everything we've been through the last thirteen months. So last night we decided to take a break or hiatus as I like to call it. Less communication, give each other some personal space. I personally don't think this will work once we come in contact with each other. It's easy to do these things now since we live in different towns which are about thirty miles apart but once we connect eyes again. Sparks are going to fly and we are going to be all over each other...which is fine with me. I think we're inseparable no matter what and we will always be there for one another, wheter she's my gf or my friend...I will always love you, Broudicca Symone Fields.
Looks like The Deerhaunter is on its last leg...
My car, a 2000 Chevy Cavalier is being very difficult with me right now. It only starts when it pleases. So thanks to that I was stranded out somewhere in Hardeeville, South Carolina on Sunday night. It worked fine yesterday, but today once again it won't start. It's not the battery either, it's the starter for the car. Looks like I'll be spending $50+ to get a new one...so now I have to catch a ride to work with a good friend of mine. That friend (monkey) would be G$ aka G-Baby aka G-Dolla aka Gerald Rawlins. Good guy for giving me a lift. It's too bad he can't give me a ride back home since I get off at 11 and he gets off at 9:45. It's all good though because my parents love me and said they would leave one of their cars at TARGET once they both get off around 6PM. Hopefully my car will be back at 100% tomorrow. Right now I'd say it's 50% because I just recently tried to start it and it worked fine, but I refuse to take a risk and either drive it to work and then tonight watch it fail or let G$ leave me behind and at 3:30 try to get in it and it fail. So better safe than sorry...right? Oh, and Wario Land: Shake it! is out today...damn I wish I was a millionaire so I could cop it. Right now, I've got about $170 in my checking account but I can't afford to waste $50 on something I won't give my full attention to. Right now, I'm pretty much focusing on school, XBOX360 and writing fanfiction.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Seth M, please stick to Family Guy
Calling Bowser a dragon just makes it LAME by default.
Now this one is worth the LOL, you be the judge.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Another FAIL brought to you by: FAILBLOG.ORG
See this is what I do every Sunday when I go to work at 4AM. We put up all the sale signs throughout the store. Now if I saw this I would have LMAO and prolly got weird looks from peers, co-workers, homies, dunnies, comrades or whatever we call each other these days. Wow...and out of all the games they chose that one to subsitute? Those games are definetely on another plain. WoW: Battlechest is a culture for casual and extreme gamers alike. Then you've got Pets and Claws, which is basically for your little sister. Or your little brother who looking for presents in the closet. Also like to send out a shout out to TARGET, good job with the instant FAIL.
Also for this one, I only ask one thing? WHY DOES TARGET SEND SIGNS LIKE TO OUR STORES IN THE FIRST PLACE? Oh and second off, whoever put the signs up, must not know how to read or just defers from success.
Shadows of Tomorrow
I have a new philosphy on life. Always live to see the next day. If something goes wrong in the present, use the mistakes of your past to make a better future. This new-founded logic of mine came to me while I was listening to a song entitled 'Shadows of Tomorrow' by Madvillain featuring Lord Quasimoto. Here's some lyrics to prove my point exactly:
Really chill song. Gotta be in the mood to listen to it though, and also be able to get through the crazy voice of Quasimoto.
Today is the shadow of tomorrow
Today is the present future of yesterday
Yesterday is the shadow of today
The darkness of the past is yesterday
And the light of the past is yesterday
The days of yesterday are all numbered in sum
In the world once
Because once upon a time there was a yesterday
Yesterday belongs to the dead
Because the dead belongs to the past
The past is yesterday
Today is the preview of tomorrow but for me
Only for my better and happier point of view
My point of view is the thought of a better or try
Reality is today of eternity
The eternity of yesterday is dead
Really chill song. Gotta be in the mood to listen to it though, and also be able to get through the crazy voice of Quasimoto.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
What's Shakin?

This game has definetly caught my eye. Finally a classic platformer being renovated onto Nintendo's grandest stage, the Nintendo Wii. The elements of side-scrolling with the wacky, yet innovative controls of the Wii remote, allow old-school gamers to rejoice with modern-day technology. Now I've had a Wii for going on two years now and I've only enjoyed a handful of games. And all of those games starred Mr. Nintendo himself. However, I have faith in Wario's newest adventure to make me fall in love with my Wii all over again.
Keep this one under your UAV, Nintendo Wii owners.
Allow me to introduce the TARGET Executives of T-1298
It's amazing how bad the TARGET I work at is. I mean then again it gets shopped hard daily and they only staff about seven people a shift. But then it finally came to my mind...T-1298 (the number of my TARGET store) is runned by a bunch of villains. I bet you're really jealous that I work with some of the greatest baddies of all-time. I see ya skin getting green, shawty! Well here's the line-up:

Ganondorf as the STORE TEAM LEADER


Princess Daisy as the ASSET PROTECTIONS ETL


Wario as the LOGISTICS ETL
I left out the Human Resources ETL because he's the only good one. Oh and the AP ETL, who I said was Daisy, she's good too. But she has like the same sarcastic attitude that Daisy tends to carry with her. Oh, what videogames can do to a young man's mind. I have work at 8AM and it's 1:40AM...time to hit the hay, goodnight WORLD!
Ganondorf as the STORE TEAM LEADER

Princess Daisy as the ASSET PROTECTIONS ETL
Wario as the LOGISTICS ETL
I left out the Human Resources ETL because he's the only good one. Oh and the AP ETL, who I said was Daisy, she's good too. But she has like the same sarcastic attitude that Daisy tends to carry with her. Oh, what videogames can do to a young man's mind. I have work at 8AM and it's 1:40AM...time to hit the hay, goodnight WORLD!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Parappa The Rapper = BEST RAPPER ALIVE!
See love can displayed in more ways than one...
This song is just so souful man. The first verse is just pure piffary.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I could have swore we had that game in the bag. That was ours for the taking, but it all came down to McNabb have second, wait I mean third thoughts about handing the ball to B. Westbrook. However I do have to give props when they are do for McNabb. This was the best I've seen him play eversince the 05 Season when we we're SUPERBOWL BOUND. This man was dogding tackle after tackle. Finally got sacked in the 4th QTR though, but his agility is crazy! The Philadephia Eagles are now 1-1, but shall end the season as 15-1. *is serious*
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Is this normal?
I have been awake ever since 3:20AM this morning and it's now 6:03PM and I'm full of energy. It must have been that curry (inside joke) that I snorted earlier. But seriously, I mean with only 3 hours of sleep the previous night, I have accomplished much more than what I can do with 8 hours of sleep. I hope my body isn't being affected by this, even though it probably is. Moving along, I was playing SONIC 2 a tad bit earlier and remembered how gay it can be at times but it's still a good game. I wish XBOX Live Acrade would come out with SONIC CD. That game was so damn good...very underrated. Shoot, a lot of people never heard of it because it was on the fossil known as Sega CD. The first gaming system (if I recall correctly) to ever use a CD-ROM. Well there was that Philips CD-i thingy...but we talkin major league here. Well this is the intro that I remember from back in 1995.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Sonic Boom Snippet
For those who read my stories, Chapter 15 of 'The Life and Times of Wuncler High 2: A Woodcrest Summer' will be released tonight. Looking really forward to it since I haven't released a chapter in about two weeks. It packed with tons of action and the end of the chapter will definitely shock a few. Or maybe not...but here's a snippet to leave ya tastebuds hungry. I know there's some errors but I'll be proofreading tonight once I get home from that place called TARGET. *sighs*
Feeling his palms become sweaty, Huey squeezed the grips on the rifle to steady his aim. Still holding his breath, he noticed the crosshairs were resting on the shooter’s head. One squeeze and this could be over. Feeling lightheaded Huey finally squeezed the trigger and dropped the rifle to regain his oxygen as the bullet escaped from its home inside the magazine of the .50 cal. The bullet flew through the morning sky in high hopes of connecting with the shooter’s skull. It whistled through the silent gap between Huey and Juan. Just as it looked like it was going to connect, Juan ducked to the ground and became prone.
“That almost hit you.” the female assassin said cautiously. “I think it’s time to invade. You stay back, while me and the boys handle this.”
“We got this on lock.” the assassin sporting the chrome mask grinned, exposing his rotten top teeth.
“That dental plan ain’t on lock…” the last assassin snickered, pulling off his ski mask. “It’s too hot for this!”
“Put it back on!” the female hissed. “Can’t have you ID exposed!”
“Like these kids know me…” he began to scratch his nappy cornrows.
The female rolled her eyes and reached into her duffle bag to retrieve her tool of destruction. Her lips that were painted with red lipstick formed an arc as she pulled out an flamethrower.
“What the hell?” Juan shouted. “You expect to kill them with that?”
“I like my hits burned to a crisp sometimes.” she stuck her bottom lip out. “It’s okay, I’m also carrying my MP5.”
“Enough chit-chat, it’s time to clap clap!” the chrome face assassin yelled.
“Let’s go!” the unmasked assassin hopped up and proceeded to the fire escape.
Back in the mansion…
Cookie was losing mass amounts of blood as she was propped against the wall unconscious. All the girls excluding Carmela were crying their eyes out at the sight. Carmela simply stuck her nose up into the air and picked up Cookie’s submachine gun and strapped it to her back.
“Knowing Juan, he’s sendin’ some goons to come and flank us.” Carmela killed the lights in the room.
“Wait!” Huey turned the lights back on. “We have to get Cookie to the hospital.”
“How the hell can we do that? If we go outside they’ll make it rain hot brass in our asses!” Carmela cut the lights back off. “Use the night vision goggles that Cookie gave us.
Everyone pulled the goggles over their eyes and turned them on. Instantly everything became green to them. Huey walked over to check on Cookie’s status.
“She’s breathing, but that’ll only happen for so little time. We need to get her out of here. She’s a sitting duck!” Huey then glanced over to Jazmine, Sunshine and Cindy. “You three, use Jazmine’s car to take her to the hospital.”
“Right.” Jazmine nodded. “Come on you two, help me lift her up.”
“And you can go through the back enterance.” Huey’s ears wiggled as he heard intrusion coming from the front entrance. “You locked and loaded, Carmela?”
The latina nodded from her position hiding behind one of Thugificent’s statues. Riley was also hiding behind a statue and Caesar was taking cover behind the sofa. Huey quickly did a roll to take cover behind a statue himself. Suddenly the door busted opened and the three figures slowly entered the room.
“You see em’, Porter?” the chrome face assassin asked, waving his M16 around.
“Nope, no hostiles on the left.” she whispered as she scanned the left side of the room.
“No hostiles on the right side either.” the unmasked corn rowed assassin told his partners.
The three assassins made it to the center of the room and felt uneasy about finding no signs of the enemy. The female assassin sighed as she began to search about for the targets. The chrome face assassin scanned carefully throughout the room until he noticed something behind one of the statues.
“Is that a strand of hair?” he squinted his eyes at the statue, Huey was hiding behind.
‘Shit!’ Huey cussed in his mind. ‘I don’t even have a long range weapon.’
Riley felt his heart pound against his frame as he noticed the huge man heading towards the statue his brother was hiding by. The younger Freeman then took the safety off of his dual Mini-Uzis which actually made a loud clicking noise. The other two assassins instantly looked in the direction of the sound and took aim at the marble statue.
“Open fire!” the female screamed.
As soon as she signaled for the shots to be fired, Riley did a quick dive and pulled the trigger to his weapon. The bullets quickly escaped the submachine guns and began to fly towards the two shooters. Meanwhile Caesar took the opportunity to come from his spot and fire a round at the chrome face assassin. However the load hit him in the back, but did no damage.
“What the?” Caesar cowered and fired two more rounds at the assassin.
“I have on some special body armor.” he grinned, showing off those rotten fangs. “Now let’s see how durable your armor is!”
Just as the metal masked assassin took aim with his deadly assault rifle, a figure hopped in front of him landing in a stance. Huey smirked and placed his katana back into its sheathe as blood instantly squirted out of the newly formed nubs of the chrome face assassin. He slowly looked down and saw his hands still clinching onto his weapon, a tad bit of blood squirting from them as well.
“My hands!” he screamed.
“That’s not the only thing you should worry about…” Huey then withdrew his M9 pistol.
Just as Huey was going to let a couple of bullets finish his dirty deeds, he saw a couple of bullets whiz past him. He looked as he noticed a female emptying her MP5 in his direction. She cussed at her horrible accuracy as she placed a new magazine into the gun and tried to strike again. This time Huey pulled out Black Thought and used it to deflect the bullets.
“Damn Vita, he’s makin you look like shit!” the unmasked assassin watched from the distance.
Just as he was going to insult his partner again, his voice couldn’t escape his mouth as he felt the cold metal of a Desert Eagle placed on the back of his neck. The assassin just gulped as he felt a large pair of breasts smash into his back and the warm breath of Carmela being blown into his ear.
“You never had a girl lean on ya back before?” she cooed.
“Sure I have, just she never had a loaded gun too.”
Riley, who was the original primary target, was now the least focused opposition for the assassins. He was currently watching his girlfriend toy with the unmasked assassin.
“Baby, cap his ass!” Riley screamed. “We ain’t got any time to bullshit!”
Carmela winked at her lover and continued to torture the assassin.
“A shame you’re going to die at the hands of such a beautiful woman, huh?” she took the pistol off safety.
The unmasked assassin felt some sweat trail down his forehead as he knew a simple squeeze would end his twenty years of living. He continued to listen to the female behind him toy with him.
“So what’s your name?” she asked casually.
“Why does it matter?”
She then looked at Riley, who was giving her an angry expression. She smiled at him and then looked back at the assassin.
“Because I’m gonna help you.” she whispered.
“HELP YOU DIE!” she cackled as she pulled the trigger.
The shot echoed through the room causing all eyes to lock onto the blown dome of the assassin. Carmela wiped some brain chunks off of her and then fired a couple of shots at Vita, who didn’t hesitate to shoot back. This gave Huey an opportunity to catch his breath from blocking two full clips. Meanwhile the metal faced assassin was looking for some way to attack without his hands. He somehow executed a well placed kick to Caesar’s stomach causing him to drop his shotgun. Huey noticed his friend getting knocked around and ran towards the scene. Just as the metal faced man was going to stomp Caesar into the ground and walk him dry, Huey pulled out Black Thought and performed a combo of quick thrusts into the upper body. Each time the tip penetrated through the assassin’s body, a new hole simulated a geyser as blood flew everywhere. Finally feeling that the job was done, Huey delivered one final thrust which went straight through the metal faced assassin’s throat, ending his reign of terror.
Vita looked around and noticed her two comrades were K.I.A. Her eyes turned into dangerous slits as she pulled out her other weapon, the flamethrower. Her pearly whites glowed the same way the flames did as they shot through the nozzle of the hose. Riley who wasn’t paying attention didn’t even notice she was aiming at him. It wasn’t until he felt the heat heading in his direction; he knew he was going to get burned. The flames knocked him back through the window ironically into the pool. The cool waters extinguished him instantly. However judging by the burns on his forearms, he might have suffered from second-degree burns. Vita laughed as she continued to shoot her flames around the room, in hopes of barbequing Huey and Caesar.
Meanwhile the girls managed to get to Jazmine’s car as they carefully placed the wounded Cookie into the backseat of the Jetta. Jazmine hopped into the driver’s seat, Cindy in the passenger’s and Sunshine rode in the backseat. The mulatto turned the key to side and brought the car to life. She shifted it into D and listened to the engine purred as it was being pushed to its limits within seconds. As soon as the pink car zoomed past the roof Juan was on, the almighty leader himself hopped up with a special weapon in his possession. He held in his hand an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missile launcher. Using the screen on the side of it, he used the crosshairs to lock onto the pink car and waited as the launcher locked onto the car. Once the coordinates were set, the crosshairs became green and stayed glued to the car. Smiling like the devil, he squeezed the trigger and launched the missile.
Feeling his palms become sweaty, Huey squeezed the grips on the rifle to steady his aim. Still holding his breath, he noticed the crosshairs were resting on the shooter’s head. One squeeze and this could be over. Feeling lightheaded Huey finally squeezed the trigger and dropped the rifle to regain his oxygen as the bullet escaped from its home inside the magazine of the .50 cal. The bullet flew through the morning sky in high hopes of connecting with the shooter’s skull. It whistled through the silent gap between Huey and Juan. Just as it looked like it was going to connect, Juan ducked to the ground and became prone.
“That almost hit you.” the female assassin said cautiously. “I think it’s time to invade. You stay back, while me and the boys handle this.”
“We got this on lock.” the assassin sporting the chrome mask grinned, exposing his rotten top teeth.
“That dental plan ain’t on lock…” the last assassin snickered, pulling off his ski mask. “It’s too hot for this!”
“Put it back on!” the female hissed. “Can’t have you ID exposed!”
“Like these kids know me…” he began to scratch his nappy cornrows.
The female rolled her eyes and reached into her duffle bag to retrieve her tool of destruction. Her lips that were painted with red lipstick formed an arc as she pulled out an flamethrower.
“What the hell?” Juan shouted. “You expect to kill them with that?”
“I like my hits burned to a crisp sometimes.” she stuck her bottom lip out. “It’s okay, I’m also carrying my MP5.”
“Enough chit-chat, it’s time to clap clap!” the chrome face assassin yelled.
“Let’s go!” the unmasked assassin hopped up and proceeded to the fire escape.
Back in the mansion…
Cookie was losing mass amounts of blood as she was propped against the wall unconscious. All the girls excluding Carmela were crying their eyes out at the sight. Carmela simply stuck her nose up into the air and picked up Cookie’s submachine gun and strapped it to her back.
“Knowing Juan, he’s sendin’ some goons to come and flank us.” Carmela killed the lights in the room.
“Wait!” Huey turned the lights back on. “We have to get Cookie to the hospital.”
“How the hell can we do that? If we go outside they’ll make it rain hot brass in our asses!” Carmela cut the lights back off. “Use the night vision goggles that Cookie gave us.
Everyone pulled the goggles over their eyes and turned them on. Instantly everything became green to them. Huey walked over to check on Cookie’s status.
“She’s breathing, but that’ll only happen for so little time. We need to get her out of here. She’s a sitting duck!” Huey then glanced over to Jazmine, Sunshine and Cindy. “You three, use Jazmine’s car to take her to the hospital.”
“Right.” Jazmine nodded. “Come on you two, help me lift her up.”
“And you can go through the back enterance.” Huey’s ears wiggled as he heard intrusion coming from the front entrance. “You locked and loaded, Carmela?”
The latina nodded from her position hiding behind one of Thugificent’s statues. Riley was also hiding behind a statue and Caesar was taking cover behind the sofa. Huey quickly did a roll to take cover behind a statue himself. Suddenly the door busted opened and the three figures slowly entered the room.
“You see em’, Porter?” the chrome face assassin asked, waving his M16 around.
“Nope, no hostiles on the left.” she whispered as she scanned the left side of the room.
“No hostiles on the right side either.” the unmasked corn rowed assassin told his partners.
The three assassins made it to the center of the room and felt uneasy about finding no signs of the enemy. The female assassin sighed as she began to search about for the targets. The chrome face assassin scanned carefully throughout the room until he noticed something behind one of the statues.
“Is that a strand of hair?” he squinted his eyes at the statue, Huey was hiding behind.
‘Shit!’ Huey cussed in his mind. ‘I don’t even have a long range weapon.’
Riley felt his heart pound against his frame as he noticed the huge man heading towards the statue his brother was hiding by. The younger Freeman then took the safety off of his dual Mini-Uzis which actually made a loud clicking noise. The other two assassins instantly looked in the direction of the sound and took aim at the marble statue.
“Open fire!” the female screamed.
As soon as she signaled for the shots to be fired, Riley did a quick dive and pulled the trigger to his weapon. The bullets quickly escaped the submachine guns and began to fly towards the two shooters. Meanwhile Caesar took the opportunity to come from his spot and fire a round at the chrome face assassin. However the load hit him in the back, but did no damage.
“What the?” Caesar cowered and fired two more rounds at the assassin.
“I have on some special body armor.” he grinned, showing off those rotten fangs. “Now let’s see how durable your armor is!”
Just as the metal masked assassin took aim with his deadly assault rifle, a figure hopped in front of him landing in a stance. Huey smirked and placed his katana back into its sheathe as blood instantly squirted out of the newly formed nubs of the chrome face assassin. He slowly looked down and saw his hands still clinching onto his weapon, a tad bit of blood squirting from them as well.
“My hands!” he screamed.
“That’s not the only thing you should worry about…” Huey then withdrew his M9 pistol.
Just as Huey was going to let a couple of bullets finish his dirty deeds, he saw a couple of bullets whiz past him. He looked as he noticed a female emptying her MP5 in his direction. She cussed at her horrible accuracy as she placed a new magazine into the gun and tried to strike again. This time Huey pulled out Black Thought and used it to deflect the bullets.
“Damn Vita, he’s makin you look like shit!” the unmasked assassin watched from the distance.
Just as he was going to insult his partner again, his voice couldn’t escape his mouth as he felt the cold metal of a Desert Eagle placed on the back of his neck. The assassin just gulped as he felt a large pair of breasts smash into his back and the warm breath of Carmela being blown into his ear.
“You never had a girl lean on ya back before?” she cooed.
“Sure I have, just she never had a loaded gun too.”
Riley, who was the original primary target, was now the least focused opposition for the assassins. He was currently watching his girlfriend toy with the unmasked assassin.
“Baby, cap his ass!” Riley screamed. “We ain’t got any time to bullshit!”
Carmela winked at her lover and continued to torture the assassin.
“A shame you’re going to die at the hands of such a beautiful woman, huh?” she took the pistol off safety.
The unmasked assassin felt some sweat trail down his forehead as he knew a simple squeeze would end his twenty years of living. He continued to listen to the female behind him toy with him.
“So what’s your name?” she asked casually.
“Why does it matter?”
She then looked at Riley, who was giving her an angry expression. She smiled at him and then looked back at the assassin.
“Because I’m gonna help you.” she whispered.
“HELP YOU DIE!” she cackled as she pulled the trigger.
The shot echoed through the room causing all eyes to lock onto the blown dome of the assassin. Carmela wiped some brain chunks off of her and then fired a couple of shots at Vita, who didn’t hesitate to shoot back. This gave Huey an opportunity to catch his breath from blocking two full clips. Meanwhile the metal faced assassin was looking for some way to attack without his hands. He somehow executed a well placed kick to Caesar’s stomach causing him to drop his shotgun. Huey noticed his friend getting knocked around and ran towards the scene. Just as the metal faced man was going to stomp Caesar into the ground and walk him dry, Huey pulled out Black Thought and performed a combo of quick thrusts into the upper body. Each time the tip penetrated through the assassin’s body, a new hole simulated a geyser as blood flew everywhere. Finally feeling that the job was done, Huey delivered one final thrust which went straight through the metal faced assassin’s throat, ending his reign of terror.
Vita looked around and noticed her two comrades were K.I.A. Her eyes turned into dangerous slits as she pulled out her other weapon, the flamethrower. Her pearly whites glowed the same way the flames did as they shot through the nozzle of the hose. Riley who wasn’t paying attention didn’t even notice she was aiming at him. It wasn’t until he felt the heat heading in his direction; he knew he was going to get burned. The flames knocked him back through the window ironically into the pool. The cool waters extinguished him instantly. However judging by the burns on his forearms, he might have suffered from second-degree burns. Vita laughed as she continued to shoot her flames around the room, in hopes of barbequing Huey and Caesar.
Meanwhile the girls managed to get to Jazmine’s car as they carefully placed the wounded Cookie into the backseat of the Jetta. Jazmine hopped into the driver’s seat, Cindy in the passenger’s and Sunshine rode in the backseat. The mulatto turned the key to side and brought the car to life. She shifted it into D and listened to the engine purred as it was being pushed to its limits within seconds. As soon as the pink car zoomed past the roof Juan was on, the almighty leader himself hopped up with a special weapon in his possession. He held in his hand an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank guided missile launcher. Using the screen on the side of it, he used the crosshairs to lock onto the pink car and waited as the launcher locked onto the car. Once the coordinates were set, the crosshairs became green and stayed glued to the car. Smiling like the devil, he squeezed the trigger and launched the missile.
Man this is why I hate the south. Damn hurricanes causing gas to be come sacred in the southeast right now. I go to a gas station tonight and they say we're out of gas. So I had to go to another one where you're only limited to 10 gallons of gas ($3.99/a gallon) This is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Silly TM-1...Soulcaliber IV is for girls!
Like seriously, why the hell are girls so good at fighting games? Is it because they can just tap one button repetitively and pull off a massive combo? Broudicca (my girlfriend) is just a straight up beast on that game. I mean she doesn't even play video games to often but I'm slowly converting her into the wonderful world of gaming. So out of the three matches we played, I got killed the first two and the last one I finally proved I was the one wearing the pants in this relationship! Ok, now that I have achieved victory, I can now head off to that other wonderful place called TARGET and commit six and half hours of hard work and pure dedication. Can you see the sarcasm dripping off my tongue?
If only this really happened...which also reminds me I need to hurry my lazy ass up and register to vote.
Success > Stress
Well yesterday was quite interesting. Had a heart to heart, man to man, balls to balls (no homo) talk with my HR (human resources) at work today. I told him how the job has really been irking me silly. He told me that I was one of the best workers there and that it's good I realize how bad things are at that store. How corrupt it is, but he promises change. I can see a change coming but it's taking too long. I don't want my beard to turn grey by then. Okay, the reason I say success is greater than stress is simply because as of today, within the next couple of weeks I will be trained to become what I should been ever since last year, Electronics Specialist. As of now, I'm just the second string specialist, once this one either quits, gets fire or demoted, I am guaranteed the job, so kudos to my HR for doing what he does best.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Outty 5000!
Alright, post #2 on the way, from TM-1. I really like this whole blogging idea. It's like a diary yet it's on the INTERNET. Well, I'm about to freshen myself up and then head over to Ridgeland to pick up Mrs. Loftin since we both have to be to TARGET (hell on earth) by the sixteenth hour. So I'll be signing off for now...PEACE OUT!
~TM-1 aka TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT aka MAGIC MIKE aka OPERATION: DOOMSDAY aka Why the hell do I have so many different alias?!
~TM-1 aka TRIGGER MIKE THE GREAT aka MAGIC MIKE aka OPERATION: DOOMSDAY aka Why the hell do I have so many different alias?!
Okay...let's do this!
Alright, since I've seen some successful artists like Turbo, Charles Hamilton and a couple of friends use this I figure I should give it a shot. Right now life is teetering between good and bad. Good, because I'm in school, gettin' mah education on, have a job and have great friends. But with every good comes a bad and the bad is, my love, Broudicca is going through some hard times which is effecting us both dearly, TARGET is stressing me out at the early age of 19. While in other news, my fanfiction game is crazy. I'm working on like four stories at the same time, but each story has such differences between them which makes it fun to write. So some people might be reading and saying..."Mike writes stories?" Yep, I surely do. But I really don't tell a lot of people because I'm sort of embarrassed by it at times. However lately with all the praises I'm getting from people around the globe, I'm now going to promote my work to everyone.
If you follow this URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/514354/TRIGGER_MIKE_THE_GREAT
It'll show you all the stories I've ever written. Now out of those 14 you'll see, only a handful have been completed. Also a lot of them are incomplete and will remain that way. I'm strictly working on Boondocks now, so if you like that show...then read my story and lemme know what you think about it. The only way I'll get better if people can point out my flaws. I've seen my flaws and I've turned them into pyro.
If you follow this URL: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/514354/TRIGGER_MIKE_THE_GREAT
It'll show you all the stories I've ever written. Now out of those 14 you'll see, only a handful have been completed. Also a lot of them are incomplete and will remain that way. I'm strictly working on Boondocks now, so if you like that show...then read my story and lemme know what you think about it. The only way I'll get better if people can point out my flaws. I've seen my flaws and I've turned them into pyro.
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