*sighs* Today will definitely be a historic day for myself. For the first time ever since August of 2008, I will close tonight and tomorrow. Back in 8/08, I was promised and guaranteed by the HR that I would open every Saturday at 8AM and open every Sunday at 4AM. At first I thought it would suck to wake up that early on a Sunday, but I've grown very fond of it. Simply because from 4AM til 8AM (when the store opens) I don't have to deal with any guests. Back to the story at hand though, they've got me closing this weekend because they're stupid. LOL, seriously though the HR that sealed the deal with me has transferred to a new store. Now the person who makes the schedule now is pretty much just BSing me and trying to tell me the reason why I'm closing is because of staffing. He told me that it'll only be this weekend. So now I look at the newest schedule and what do I see? Once again I close next week and it's seriously like WTF?! Then he goes ahead and says the same excuse and I'm just SMH all over the place. Why does the management always have to lie and smile in your face? They should be the most honest people in the business. Real deal. Well enough my rant, I shall now try to enjoy my three hours of freedom I have left...*rolls eyes*