My inner gamer has been released once again. Within in the last couple of days thanks to my good deeds at TARGET. Oh and by good deeds, I mean suckering, excuse my english, I seriously mean getting our guests to apply for the TARGET VISA (Target Credit Card). Now you might be asking, well why in the world does that benefit a TARGET slave like myself? Simple. We get to draw from a random prize box. Inside of it there are tons of cool prizes and then some lame ones. I actually heard one time a co-worker drew out of the box and recieve 'A FREE HUG FROM AN LOD' (Leader on Duty). The only FREE thing they'd get from me is a DROPKICK! Anyway, back to the orignal point of this post. Using all the giftcard money I earned from getting people to apply earned me a copy of BANJO-KAZOOIE: Nuts and Bolts. Good game so far and its getting me quick gamerpoints. However today, I drew something fantastic. A free $19.99 game. We have some great games for that low price and I was stuck in between picking two wonderful games. Rainbow Six Vegas or Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2. In the end, I simply chose G.R.A.W. 2 because I never payed it and it sounds cool that in 2014 there will be a war between the US and Mexico. Well that's my blog post for the evening, might have enough to disturb one more before the night is over. Until then...
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