Friday, November 28, 2008

You've unlocked Post #100!

Congratulations, this post was made possible because of YOU. Enjoy!

Yes that is a giant blob of poo singing, but you've gotta admit it's damn catchy. This concludes Post #100, more serious blogging to be continued...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


First and foremost you know I have to start blog post #99 by saying...HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone! This is my second favorite holiday besides CHRISTMAS. The reason I'm so fond of this holiday is not because of the good food, not because I don't have to work, it is because I get to use this day as a mirror. I can look into this mirror and see what I am thankful for. Right off the bat I can tell you I am thankful for waking up this morning in a bed. We've got to remember that not everyone is forunate as the next person. So we can't take anything we are given as a joke. Just some food for thought. But lemme tell you the bulk of the things I am thankful for:

God- The reason I am breathing this fresh oxygen right now.

Family- Without them I'd have no guidance, I would just be a meteor flying out in space.

Girlfriend- Broudicca, you mean so much to me and you don't even know it. I don't know how many times I would have been down and out without you, baby. I love you and I'm forever grateful to have you as my other half.

Friends- Without you guys I'd be bored to death. I wouldn't have anyone to socialize with about certain things, ya know like the stuff you don't want to talk to other people about. Friends, you can always depend on them and I'm thankful especially for the following friends (Brandon, Pawel, Sharif, Terry, Gerald, Xavier and Vanessa)

Fans- Okay so people may laugh at this one, but fans are cool. I have a mini-fan base on and that's simply amazing. Since I do plan on being an author of some sort someday it is great to know at the age of nineteen, I already have readers in different countries peeping my material. I LOVE MY FANS!

And those are the main things I am thankful for. Thanks for reading, enjoy ya TURKEY DAY! Also when you are praying before you eat your dinner tonight, pray for Sean Taylor. His untimely death occured on this date last year. Post #100 is coming and it's gonna be EPIC! Or maybe EPIC fail...only time will tell.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Random Footage aka Post #98

Two Brand New Games Courtesy of TARGET

My inner gamer has been released once again. Within in the last couple of days thanks to my good deeds at TARGET. Oh and by good deeds, I mean suckering, excuse my english, I seriously mean getting our guests to apply for the TARGET VISA (Target Credit Card). Now you might be asking, well why in the world does that benefit a TARGET slave like myself? Simple. We get to draw from a random prize box. Inside of it there are tons of cool prizes and then some lame ones. I actually heard one time a co-worker drew out of the box and recieve 'A FREE HUG FROM AN LOD' (Leader on Duty). The only FREE thing they'd get from me is a DROPKICK! Anyway, back to the orignal point of this post. Using all the giftcard money I earned from getting people to apply earned me a copy of BANJO-KAZOOIE: Nuts and Bolts. Good game so far and its getting me quick gamerpoints. However today, I drew something fantastic. A free $19.99 game. We have some great games for that low price and I was stuck in between picking two wonderful games. Rainbow Six Vegas or Ghost Recon Advance Warfighter 2. In the end, I simply chose G.R.A.W. 2 because I never payed it and it sounds cool that in 2014 there will be a war between the US and Mexico. Well that's my blog post for the evening, might have enough to disturb one more before the night is over. Until then...


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'll take those three dots back...

The camera is 100% fine. I guess the set of batteries I put in originally were not charged enough. That drop was cruical though, but thanks to my carpet I think that saved it from going to pieces. And now here's the picture of Dr. Bullseyes...

Just in case you are wondering about the books in the background they are all pretty much either mangas or comic books. Well except for those black books at the top, those are dictionaries, thesauruses, computer manuals, atlases, etc.



Wow, I was just about to take a picture of the Bullseyes I won last night and I fumbled my camera like Randel El (no G$!) and now I think it is broken. Well, I got my reciept and I did need some fast money...hehe.



Best Close Ever...

Would I sound crazy if I said I actually had fun at work last night? Call the asylum because I had a great time last night closing. Now usually closing is the worst shift available at TARGET, but yesterday we were blessed with good leadership, pure dedication and little to no guest traffic. Also, I got a $15 Target giftcard for getting a guest (actually a co-worker of mine) to apply for a Target Visa Credit Card, we were rewarded a free TARGET t-shirt for making the story look fantastic and I got a Bullseyes (Target mascot) doll dressed up as a doctor. I'm getting closer to blog post #100...that one will be EPIC.


Monday, November 17, 2008

A Quote By MJ...(not Michael Jackson)

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody
has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall,
don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or
work around it. " ~Michael Jordan

I definitely let this replay through my brain as I'm working, digging my nose in the textbooks and having problems with friends, family and my lover, Broudicca.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Got Mad Bills

I'm definitely getting this shirt sometime this week.

Philadelphia Eagles have once again...


Why in the world did they end up adding a tie to their record instead of W? Well it's definitely better than a L. I can see if it was against the GIANTS or perhaps the TITANS, but the motherlovin' BENGALS? Man, sometimes I wonder about PHILLY. They are still my team though, no doubt. They've got to get their act together if they even plan on attending the WILDCARD later in January.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tis The Season...

Even though it's only mid-November, it's definitely feeling a lot like X-mas already. With the next two paychecks I get I'm going to strictly use at 65% of them to pay for gifts. Gotta do it big this time around since my cheddar flow is starting to look similar to a rapid river. I also feel Christmas coming because in two weeks, an epic event will occur. BLACK FRIDAY. Yep, people is gonna be wildin' out tryin' to get some shit for cheap. I ain't mad at them either, yet. I will be working a gruesome ten hour shift that day so keep in your prayers. This blog post could be longer but I'm too busy helping the 3rd Shock Army keep the Nazi's asses!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Eight Days Later...

Wow I've really been slacking, huh? This is my first post in over a week. Well allow me to summarize why I've been absent from the blog game.

1.) lack of motivation....yea I've kinda didn't have a real reason to post anything (still don't have one now) simply because I know a lot of people look at this, but no one comments. Then i realized something...this is not a popularity contest. I'm not posting this for attention, I'm really just posting it to vent out my mind.

2.) Mariokart Wii....this game has definitely been taking up a lot of my free time. Such a great game for all ages.

3.) being with the gf...spending tons of QT with Broudicca, so yeah.

4.) TARGET....working nearly 40 hours a week ain't no joke. GET MONEY TM-1!

5.) School....I don't even have to say anything more than that.

6.) Call of Duty: World at War....this game just came out yesterday and I know it is going to eat my soul alive!

And those are my six lame excuses explaining why my blog game is lackluster. However, I think I'm back in the groove, but as for now it is time to head to that place I love so not TARGET.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

C'mon November 7th...


Monday, November 3, 2008

ElectroRock V4

This will be a week early birthday present for me!


his Myspace:

his blogspot:

his youtube page:

his imeem:



Disc 1: Everywhere
Disc 2: Nowhere
Disc 3: Downhere

Lupe goin' out with a bang, THAT'S WHUSSUP!

Quote Of The Day

"I don't get high, but sometimes I wish I did. That way, when I messed up in life I would have an excuse. But right now there's no rehab for stupidity. " ~Chris Rock

Women Hate Women

Chris Rock made it a hot line, Charles Hamilton made it a hot song! In the great words of DJ Khaled..."L-L-L-LISTEN!" to my song of the day, located to the right of the blog post.

"You would think by now, women would rule the world. But they don't because women hate women."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

For All The Lovers...

Or ones seeking love...this mixtape is just for you.

Charles Hamilton presents The "L" Word

The Bond Between Man And His Zune...