Friday, July 31, 2009

Feel Good...

I feel so damn good right now. Things are definitely playing in my favor now. New job coming really soon. The wifey and I are getting along perfectly, I'm about to revive one my most popular stories. All I need is a new car now and I'm set! But I just got back from the gym about two hours ago and my muscles are aching but damn it feels SO good. I think this workout routine has made some progress on my once inactive body. For example, I don't feel as tired as use to at work and when I up the weights on these machines now I can do more reps. God is great and God is good! August is gonna be a hot month!


Ask And You Shall Recieve...

Many fans from have asked me all the same question as of late:

"When are you going to update The Life and Times 2?"

Well to answer this popular question, it's really simple: August 1st.

That's tomorrow too. So I hope everyone will be satisfied with this story that is being revived after eleven months of WRITER'S BLOCK mixed with lack of motivation. See you guys tomorrow, showering me with reviews. Also, two one-shot stories will be coming within the month of August. Until read my other stories, some them some love whether you add it as a favorite, review it, tell your friends about it or just you read it and it puts a smile on your face. I LOVE MY FANS!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Theme For My Next Story

Just listen to the lyrics and let them soak in your mind. My next one-shot will be another BOONDOCKS story. This story will be a lot more humorous than what I just published yesterday, be prepared.


Saturday, July 18, 2009


Attention readers, reviews and authors of Your time has come to vote for the next update from my exclusive fanfiction library of incomplete stories! The choices goes as followed...

Now you can vote here on my blog but I'd definitely prefer for you to vote on


Monday, July 13, 2009

TMNT: Turtles In Time Re-Shelled

Can't wait til 7/22! This is the greatest side scrolling beat em' up ALIVE!


P.S.- This is only my opinion, not a fact.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

In The Lab Right Now

I'm trying to get back into writing and what better way to do that by creating a one-shot story about my favorite show, The Boondocks. For those of you that don't know what a one-shot is, it's pretty much a one-chapter story. However, I just can't create one story and feel satisfied. So I'm actually working on two one-shots at one time. I've got to get back on this writing ish because I cannot waste my talent on nothing. Time is short these days and now with my new added gym time that will become another excuse on why I didn't update or publish a story. Also, sooner or later I'm gonna start working on my original story. Can't become famous with Aaron McGruder's plot and ideas, ya know?


Oh baby! My WORKOUT cherry has been POPPED!

Yep, today marks a historic day in 'The Further Adventures of TM-1' for today I actually did something besides work, sleep and play videogames. Today, I went to the multi-million dollar gym facility located in my neighborhood. I do have to say I'm satisfied with my performance. Because I did a lot better than I expected myself too. I'm not as weak as I thought I'd be, lol...but seriously I'm now gonna adapt weightlifting/cardio into my daily rountine. I'll be RIPPED like a tombstone soon enough!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July Already?

Why is the world spinning so fast? I could swore it was just the middle of June like a couple of days ago. I really haven't been keeping track of time eversince school ended back in May. So what have I been up to? Well on Monday, I participate in the Gears of War Lan Party 3. If you live in my area then you just might know what that is, but if you don't then allow me to explain. A LAN (Local Area Network) party is when you hook up two systems of more to the same network so multiple players can get their game on! The games played at this tourney were: HALO 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl, UFC Undisputed 2009 and of course, GEARS OF WAR 2. Even though I didn't get to be the BRAWL champion (something I really want to be) I did bring home the HALO 3 and GOW2 tag team championship, so some gold is better no gold, am I right? Well in other news, I'm currently working on my 17th story and it's gonna be amazing. Really descriptive and so forth. Hopefully with ALL the free time I have today, I can make some magic and have it published because after today I work for the next ENTIRE week.

7/2: 4pm til 11pm
7/3: 4pm til 11pm
7/4: 8am til 4:30pm
7/5: 4am til 2:30pm (WTF?)
7/6: 8am til 3:30pm
7/7: 8am til 4pm
7/8: 3:30pm til 11pm

With that being said, I'm gonna try to enjoy the rest of my freedom today because starting on the 2nd all the way to the 8th, it's gonna be HELL!


The Bond Between Man And His Zune...